Part 3: The Dream

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Winter's POV

Winter soared through the air. The sky was a brilliant sky-blue color. The clouds seem so fluffy. He heard a voice, it sounded like beautiful wind-chimes to me.

"Winter, come on! We have some prey to catch!" It was Qibli, he looked amazing in the sunlight. As it hit his scales, they seemed to become a brighter shade of sandy yellow. Up ahead, Winter saw his entire winglet. Moon, Kinkajou, Turtle, Umber, and even Carnelian. Everyone seemed happy like there was nothing wrong in the world. And he was starting to feel that way, too. The winglet landed near a river and started to form a plan. The school was going to throw an end-of-the-year party for all the dragons who had made it through and stayed. Each winglet was assigned to find something for the party. The Jade winglet was supposed to find food. Moon and Kinkajou: fruit. Umber and Carnelian: any mammals. And Turtle was going down the river to find fish. Winter and Qibli just agreed to help with anything they could. After everyone split up to find food, Winter and QIbli were the only ones left.

"Hey, Winter?" Qibli asked softly

"Yes?" Winter replied just as quietly

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time..." Qibli said nervously. Winter urged him on "I really like you, Winter. And I feel like we can be more than best friends." He was a little shocked at this but smiled at this.

"I feel the same way, Qibli." 

They both intertwined their tails and sat down together, watching the little fish swim by in the river. The dream had ended.

I had no idea why I was disappointed to find out that was just a dream. I didn't even have feelings for the idiot SandWing. Or so I thought. I had finally noticed the slightly smaller SandWing at my side, radiating heat. That was strange. Why was Qibli here? I couldn't remember falling asleep with Qibli. I suddenly felt a wave of affection for Qibli, for no reason at all. This would probably make my rank drop down to the seventh circle.

I carefully pried his wings off of me and got up. I walked through the dark halls of Jade Mountain Academy and figured that it was still pretty early. I picked a spot that would have a perfect view of the sunrise, and I waited quietly. No one was out of their caves yet. The only sound I heard was the wind rippling softly. It was nice, not being around so many dragons. I took a deep breath in and began to get lost in thought.

What if Qibli likes me? Why do I sound so hopeful? I already like Moon, I can't like a sand snorter too. UGH, why did emotions have to be so complicated? I wonder if would be easier without emotions. Mother and father wouldn't have to scold me for being weak, they'd never even find out. But then having emotions is probably better than none. Do I like Qibli? Or do I like Moon? I'm terrible at handling my emotions... I can't even be nice to the dragon I like. What is wrong with me? The sun began rising, it was beautiful, I knew it was going to be dazzlingly bright if I tried to look directly at it, but it's kind of normal in the Ice Kingdom. The sun reflected on the snow and ice, making everything shine like hundreds of mini-suns. I tried not to stare at the sun, but it was truly beautiful. Sure, sunrises happen all the time, but dragons should be grateful for the sun. My parents would be ashamed to know they had a son that was so soft. But I'm not with them. I might as well cherish this moment. Who knows? Maybe it could be my last. I shuddered at that thought.

After about 10 minutes, I heard the sound of talons on rock behind me. I whirled around and saw Qibli.

"Why are you up so early?" He yawned

"I couldn't sleep," I answered simply


"Sit," I said. Qibli sat down next to me. Our wing tips almost touched, but I tried to ignore that.

The sun had risen high now. I knew that the students might be getting up soon to check out the caves before class.

"We should get going," I said, breaking the silence. Qibli nodded and we walked back to our cave together.

"There's probably still an hour or two before the gong," Qibli observed

"And what are you trying to imply?" I said

"Nothing," he said a little quickly. I arched an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, okay. Iwaswonderingifwecouldcuddle..." He mumbled VERY quickly.

"Uh, what was that?" I knew exactly what he said, but I was trying to tease him.

"I know you heard me." His cheeks were now slightly red.

"Fine. Is this some sort of SandWing thing? Sleeping together, all cuddled up?

"Noo..?" he said nervously. I was shocked. If this wasn't some sort of SandWing tradition (or whatever), would this mean he likes me? I squashed that thought.

"FINE," I said, a little too harshly. Qibli gave me a funny look.

"What questions are you answering?" he asked innocently. I knew exactly what he was trying to do.

"I'm not going to repeat your stupid question. I already answered."


Qibli gestured to the stone ledge. He trotted to the ledge and sprawled himself on my stone ledge. I was a little hesitant. Mother would be angry. I tried very hard to push that thought away as I joined Qibli.

Normally I would be very uncomfortable with his heat, but this time I snuggled into it. He then wrapped his wings around me, as he did this morning. I felt safe and happy. I didn't know how to describe that feeling, but it was pleasant. I curled up into a ball so I was encased with his warmth, and I put my snout against his chest, feeling it rise up and down slowly. I drifted to sleep soon after, feeling content.

"GONG, GONG!" I peeled open my eyes and tried to process what was happening. Wait, that's the second gong, which means we're going to be late if we don't get out of bed.

"Qibli! Get your lazy, dragon butt off!" I hissed. "We're going to be late for history."

"What?" he said groggily.

"I said GET UP."

"Five more minutes."

"No. Get up now, or I will freeze off your tail." I said darkly. Qibli shot up and looked fully awake.

"Good, now let's go," I said swiftly while dragging Qibli to class.

1078 words. Sorry if this chapter was a little too quick. (The pacing)

"You're all I'll ever need" (Qibli x Winter) A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now