Part 6: Wintertime snuggles

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Winter's POV

I woke up to see sandy-yellow scales pressed against my face. My memory of earlier was still foggy. But I enjoyed the warmth and didn't question Qibli's wings wrapped around me.

"Good afternoon, sleeping beauty," said Qibli. I didn't answer, instead, I buried my face even closer to him.

"Are you seriously still sleepy? It's probably noon now!"

"Yes," I answered groggily.

"Fine. I'll let you stay like this, only because you're my friend."

I looked up and studied Qibli's face. I looked carefully at the brown freckles that dotted his face. My eyes traced over his scar. And I looked into his eyes. He also seemed to be looking intently at me. He leaned in, our faces mere inches from each other.

"Boo," he said while blowing on my face.

"Hey!" I said pretending to sound hurtful

"Im sorry," he said in a dramatically apologetic way.

"Apology not accepted!" I said, which made Qibli put on a hurt look.

"Since it's noon now, we should probably get lunch," he noted. But I was getting too comfy. I was tucked under his wings with my face pressed against his chest. I shook my head, not wanting to get out of his warmth.

"C'mon, Winty, I'm hungry!"

"No, unless you're going to carry me on your back the whole time."

"I'm not bigger than you! I can't carry you!"

"Are you implying that I'm fat?!"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"You're so rude." I huffed out

"I'll go to the prey center and get us both food. We can eat in our cave. Okay?"

I nodded and pried myself off of him. I sat up and watched him as he left. I felt a little sad, now that his heat was gone. But it's not like he was going to leave for long, right? I remembered the painting of Moon I had drawn a few weeks back. I crept behind the pile of scrolls in the corner of the cave and pulled out the painting. I felt a little bad for leaving it there, collecting dust. Then an idea came to my mind. I carefully gave the painting a gentle blow to get rid of any dust. I took out a small piece of paper and wrote:

Dear Moon, I hope your winter break has gone well. I found this painting that I had created a few weeks ago and I wanted to give it to you as a gift. I hope you like it.

I picked up the painting, along with the note, and went to find Moon's cave. The halls were quiet and there was no sign of life, yet I still walked quietly, in case any dragons stayed for the break. I found Moon's cave and pushed the leaf curtain out of the way. I looked around the cave and found it neat. Unlike my cave. For a dragon as clever as Qibli, he's pretty messy. I walked over to the moss bed that I assumed was Moon's and set the painting and note down. Then I headed back to my cave.

I noticed that Qibli wasn't back yet so I decided to take a scroll out to read.

"Winty, I'm back!" he chirped

"Hi," I said, not looking up from my scroll.

"I caught some fish for you!" The fish were decently sized and would be enough for a meal. However, I only ate one, not feeling hungry. I set the bowl down and watched Qibli eat.

"That's seriously all you're going to eat?" He asked, with his dead goat still in his claws.

"I'm not that hungry." Im used to it anyway, I wanted to add.

"You're all I'll ever need" (Qibli x Winter) A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now