Part 5: Merry Christmas!

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(Note: The explosion in the history cave already happened)

3rd person (Winter's POV)

It had been a couple of weeks since Winter arrived at Jade Mountain Academy. He was starting to like it, although he refused to admit it to his new friends. He was getting along well with his winglet - more than he thought he would.

His whole winglet was at the prey center, goofing around. Winter had finally let his smile shine. He was beaming the brightest and he felt like he had found a home.

"THREE MOONS, WINTER IS SMILING" Qibli almost shouted. The smile on Winter's face quickly turned into a scowl.

"So?" Winter said in an annoyed tone, but it was playful.

"You never smile." Kinkajou piped up.

"Yeah," Turtled agreed.

"You can't talk," Winter started, "You're only agreeing with Kinkajou because you're helplessly in love with her." Turtle's face flushed with embarrassment and he covered his face with his wings, while Moon couldn't stop giggling.

"Y'know, everyone seems like they're in a good mood." Qibli pointed out. "Of course, Winter here is still acting pretty cold."

"I can be in a good mood!" Winter huffed.

"Yeah right," Qibli said with sarcasm

"Hey guys!" Kinkajou said loudly, catching the winglet's attention, "Let's go do something fun, like flying around. Since some of us are going to go back for our winter break."

"About that, who's going home for the break?" Turtle asked. Everyone raised their wing, except for Winter.

"I thought you wanted to go back?" Moon said teasingly. Winter didn't want to admit to everyone that he wasn't worth much to his family. They probably didn't even want him back at the Ice Kingdom.

"I've decided to stay here," Winter replied, though a little more harshly than intended.

"Then I'll stay too! Winter would want his best friend to stay with him for the break!" Qibli said, "I'll just send a letter to Thorn!"

Winter was a little taken aback. He was sure that Qibli would want to return to the stronghold. But he was grateful for Qibli.

"That's so sweet!" Kinkajou said dramatically. Then she whispered something to Moon, who giggled. "Anyways, let's go flying together!" Everyone nodded and started to take off.

It was a little chilly now, but the sky was still blue, just like how Winter liked it. He loved flying, he felt free. Everyone was behind him, joking and laughing, but he'd rather enjoy the sky.

"Winter! Slow down!" Qibli called from behind. Winter reluctantly did, only because Qibli had decided to stay back for Winter.

He didn't say much in the conversation. He was busy taking in the scene. The green trees, the blue sky, the shining sun, the glittering bodies of water.

"Moons to Winter?" Qibli said, breaking him free from his trance.

"Sorry," he muttered

"It's fine." The duo were a little more separated from the group, but Winter was fine with that.

"You've been a little off lately," Qibli said with surprising gentleness

"I guess.. my mind's been on a lot of things. That was true. Winter was still unsure of who his feelings were for; Qibli or Moon?

"Want to talk about it?" Winter was still a little surprised at Qibli's personality, he was always goofing around, and now here he was, acting like some sort of therapist.

"You're all I'll ever need" (Qibli x Winter) A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now