Part 8: History is boring!

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Qibli's POV

School had started again and everything was going pretty normal. I couldn't believe it had already been a couple of months of school. I walked into the cave I shared with Winter and saw our paintings propped happily on the wall. Winter was nowhere in sight, but I figured that he was in the library. I plopped down on my bed of camel furs. Our classes had just ended and I was tired. Webs's voice was so boring I zoned into my thoughts for most of history.

My eyes diverted from Webs to Winter. He seemed very focused, scribbling furiously on his scroll. I saw no pointing in writing notes in class. I would just copy Winter's. I focused my attention on my surroundings, the map on the wall was peeling off slightly. The stack of scrolls on the same wall as the map was crooked. And the class was far too dimly lit.

Soon enough, the gong rang once. Everyone rushed out of the class immediately, before Webs could dismiss the class.

I strolled over to Winter. "Can I see your notes after our classes?"

He scoffed. "Why don't you ever take notes?"

"Well, I don't want to."

"Too bad." he blew a raspberry.

I slumped away. He'll probably lend me his notes later, I thought. I'm just too irresistible, I added jokingly though no one was listening (No one?) Wait, I had forgotten that Winter and I shared the same classes. I raced the other direction to catch up with Winter, who was walking to our correct class.

"Wait up!" I called to Winter. He turned around and slowed down for me.

"For a dragon as clever as you, you can be pretty dumb sometimes."

"Wow, so you think I'm smart?"

"I also added that you were dumb, if you've already forgotten."

"I am offended."

"Whatever, this conversation is slowing us down. We're going to be late for class."

"Right," I nodded. "Let's get going before the gong rings." As if on cue, the gong rang the second time.

Time skip because I am feeling lazy (sorry!)

The day had gone pretty well. My favorite class being music, of course. Winter spent most of the class brooding. After our classes ended, which was a little after noon, Moon gathered all of our winglet, or at least what was left after Carnelian and Umber left. She took a deep breath before opening her mouth to talk.

"So I brought you guys here to confess something." she started. And immediately my mind started to make a list of what she could be confessing. She frowned for a minute before continuing.

"You guys might not believe me, but I can read minds and have the power of prophecy." Turtle and Kinkajou seemed unconcerned, so obviously they had already known. Winter and I, on the other talon, were shocked. But then panic was starting to swell and I could see the same with Winter.

"Wait, so you know what we're thinking of right now?" I asked. She nodded glumly.

"I promise I haven't been snooping in your minds!" she added quickly. "I can't really control it, I just happen to hear whatever's going on at the moment. I'm really sorry about that." I couldn't tell what Winter was thinking that was Moon's job. I could tell that he was having mixed feelings. 

"I need some time to think about this," he said before stalking off.

"Well, that went well!" Kinkajou piped up. I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. But usually, Kinkajou was optimistic, so I hoped she was being serious.

"Are... you mad?" she asked.

"No, but I am a little upset that you didn't tell us sooner. You can trust us you know?"

"I realized that after a while. But I was afraid that you two what be mad."

"Well, I'm glad you decided to tell us," I said kindly.

Turtle, who had been quiet the whole time spoke up. "We discovered that these rocks on my armband can block mind-reading." he pointed to the stone embedded into his band. "I should probably give one to you and Winter," he said while trying to pry off two of the rocks. "Onyx calls them Skyfire."

"She has some too?" I inquired.

"Yeah, a bit of a freaky story if you ask me."

"So, do we have any other secrets we need to share?" I asked cheerfully.

"Don't think so," Kinkajou said while turning an alarmingly bright yellow.

"Meeting dismissed then, everyone may go back to their daily activities!" I called while slipping away.

I sped and walked back to my cave to talk to Winter. When I entered, he was already asleep, or at least that was how it looked. I lit one of the candles on the shelf and brought it over to my bed, where I was going to start my homework. Winter must've finished his homework during our lunchtime because he normally would have been working at this hour. For our healing class, we were supposed to label the organs in a diagram of a dragon's body. I unraveled a scroll to help me with the assignment.

I heard shuffling about an hour later. Winter's eyes fluttered open. He stretched like a cat before settling down again.

"Good morning, "Nephew of Queen Glacier".

"It's not even morning," he grumbled in response.

"Whatever." I still didn't know what our relationship was since the new year. But It hadn't changed in any negative way, at least.  "Are you hungry?" I asked.

"No," he answered.

"Alright, then. I'm going to go get something for us." I said and got up.


I bumped my nose against his before leaving the cave.

918 words

A/N: Hi guys! I'm SO sorry for not updating in a while. I've been having writer's block and I'm still not sure how to end the story. I also apologize for the short and boring chapter, but I do hope you still enjoy it! Happy Valentine's Day!

"You're all I'll ever need" (Qibli x Winter) A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now