Part 1: Jade Mountain Academy

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Qibli's POV

I was not ready for school. I could be with Thorn, protecting her. But she decided to send me to this school the Dragonets of Destiny started. We're supposed to get along with other tribes. I was a little worried about what would happen, a lot of dragons are still holding grudges. Nothing should happen, right?

Yeah, that's not true. Well, I hope it's true, but it's probably not true. 

A small dark purple NightWing greeted me at the entrance.

"Hi there!!! I'm Fatespeaker! You must be Qibli. How do I know? Maybe I'm a mind reader! Just kidding!! Here's your map, your cave is marked on there! Enjoy your stay!!" I took my scroll carefully and examined it. I guess my cave is 225. That was an energetic NightWing. Though it could be an act. Queen Thorn says that NightWings cannot be trusted.

I walked into my cave and spotted an IceWing on a stone ledge. The cave was pretty spacious and was less gloomy than expected.

"What are you doing here?" the IceWing snarled

"Well, this is my cave."

"I thought I asked for a private cave?!"

"Well then, that's too bad. You're stuck with me! The best Qibli ever!" The IceWing groaned.

"If I must be stuck with you, I'd appreciate it if you would shut your snout." He curled up on his ledge, and (I think?) went to sleep.

I couldn't help but notice how pretty and shiny he was. 

No wait, stop thinking that, Qibli. Said another part of his brain

He's so handsome... STOP THINKING THAT.

I probably sat there for at least 10 minutes, gawking at the IceWing. But then it dawned on me that I didn't know his name. I looked at the list. Winter.. That's a nice name. Enough watching Qibli, it's time to look around. Hey... Is that, a scavenger? Winter has a scavenger?

I went closer to inspect it, it was hard to see through the bars, so I opened it a little. Suddenly the scavenger made a bunch of loud squeaks and ran off. Winter snapped up and glared at me.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" he roared

"Um. Nothing?" 

"UGH" With that, he ran off to get his scavenger

Well, better fix my mess. I chased after the sparkly dragon. It made a quick turn into the prey center. This is very bad, Winter's going to be SO mad if his pet gets gobbled up. There was a big commotion now. Everyone was trying to snatch up the poor little creature. The prey center was the worst place for it to be. I managed to catch up with Winter, who was now yelling at a NightWing.

"Give me my scavenger back!" Winter yelled. The NightWing flinched. She had a weird look on her face as if she was listening intently. Could she have the old NightWing powers? Did the Dragonets of Destiny lie about the NightWings?? The NightWing frowned, and the looked vanished from her face. 

"Give me my scavenger back, and I won't freeze you to death" Winter threatened. "I am the nephew of Queen Glacier, and I demand you to give me back my scavenger."

"Let's not fight here shall we?" I interrupted with a cheery tone. "I'm Qibli and this is my best friend, Winter, the nephew of Queen Glacier."

"Are you mocking me?!" I ignored the dazzling IceWing and asked the NightWing instead.

"What's your name?"

"Moon." She whispered. It was so quiet, that I almost missed it

"Moon what? Moonface? Moondestroyer? Mooneater? Mooncrusher?" Winter growled.

"That's not very nice," I noted

"My name's Moonwatcher." She said more loudly now.

"Alright, Moon. Would you please not eat Winter's pet and give it back to him?"

"Oh yeah. Here." She put the scavenger down, and Winter snatched it up.

"Ew, you got it all sticky." Said Winter

"Sorry" Winter dunked the scavenger into the cold water, and it squeaked in surprise.

"It's hungry." Moon blurted

"I've been feeding it, and it hasn't been eating."

"Have you tried to feed it cooked meat?" I suggested.

"No, how would I cook it anyway?"

"With my help!" I said proudly.

A RainWing interrupted us and said, "You should feed him fruit!" She took a fat blueberry from the fruit pile and gave it to the scavenger. It gladly bit into the berry and seemed more content now. Winter eyed Moon suspiciously and walked off. 

"Thanks for helping Moon!" I decided to thank her for Winter.

"So, now that that's out of the way, we should get to know each other more!" I said, trying to lift the mood.


I was pretty shocked at that since Winter seems all grouchy.

"What's your favorite color, Winter?"

"white" he answered blankly

"That's nice, mine is amber!"

"My turn to ask. What's your favorite animal?"

"Hmm. That one's hard. I'd say a camel. They're pretty cool. What's yours?"

"Scavengers. Obviously."

This went on for about 20 minutes. Winter got a little engaged in it. Later that evening, I decided to look for some prey, and I insisted that Winter would go with me. He reluctantly agreed, and we went looking for some prey. I made a few jokes, which Winter did not find funny at all. We spotted a goat and headed towards it. But then swooped down, and caught the goat in a few seconds.

"Wow, you're good," I said

"Thanks.." Winter muttered. Winter saying THANK YOU? I made a shocked face at him.


"You said "thanks"." Winter sighed and ripped the goat in half. He gave one of the halves to me. We sat in the grass and watched the sunset. I soon dozed off on Winter's shoulder.

904 words.

Sorry about the short chapter.

"You're all I'll ever need" (Qibli x Winter) A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now