Part 4: The Hunt

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A/N at the end

Qibli's POV

Winter had dragged me to our first class. I bumped into some small stalagmites on the way, but overall I was unscathed. We were going to meet up with our winglet, to get to know each other better before our classes started. The cave opened up to the outside world, it was sunny and the sky was clear. Before I came to Jade Mountain, I had pictured it as a gloomy place, but I figured that the dragonets of destiny wouldn't want that. The caves were decorated with glass baubles of light hanging from the ceiling. There were signs everywhere with welcoming messages and maps.

We eventually found our destination and walked in. I was surprised to see Moon since we weren't in the same winglet.

Tsunami smiled at us all and introduced herself. "Hello everyone! I hope you all don't mind that I switched some of you guys up. I saw that you all were interested in scavengers, so here you are! I'm the one who runs the school, so if you have any questions, ask me! We're going to start by introducing ourselves, so we get to know each other better."

Everyone went one by one. It was now Moon's turn. She was a pretty NightWing with a single teardrop-like, silver scale near her eye. I eyed everyone in the room, trying to detect any threats. There was Carnelian. She was probably the most fierce dragon in the cave and was most likely to attack someone, I angled my barbed tail at her, just in case. 

I thought of ways to make everyone like me, or at least have a good first impression. As everyone went to introduce themselves, I also tried to figure out their personalities and what they were like.

"If you're the head of the school, does that mean you're the dragon I can talk to to get a private cave?" Winter suddenly interrupted

"Why yes, I am!" Tsunami said cheerfully, "The answer is no."

"See Winter, I'm your destiny!" I said, feeling better now that I knew Winter wasn't going to leave our cave. Moon looked like she was trying to hold back a laugh and I gave her a pleased look.

"Then what's the point of this meeting?" Winter asked.

"The point is to talk about anything you all want to talk about. You guys get to choose the topic and engage in it."

"I want to know about NightWing powers," Winter said promptly. Moon froze. Then it shifted to fear. I wondered why. Then an idea popped into my head. Could she have the "legendary" NightWing powers?

Then Carnelian spoke up. "I want to know about them too." She growled.

"Im kind of curious about it," Turtle chimed in. Soon everyone in the winglet (not including Kinkajou) agreed. Poor Moon. I felt really bad, all the attention was on her, and she didn't seem like the type to enjoy attention.

Soon, Tsunami broke the tension by suggesting to go hunting. She probably didn't expect this to come up. Soon everyone was up in the brilliant, blue sky.

"We can all split up for now and meet up near that river over there," Tsunami called, pointing over to a small and peaceful-looking river. Everyone landed and we all stood there awkwardly, as if everyone knew what they were going to do, but didn't when to do it. Eventually, Tsunami broke the silence.

"Turtle and I will go catch some fish, you all can go get whatever you want! Just not the scavengers, Sunny likes them." With that, she and her brother flew away, to find a good stop for catching fish.

Everyone else went their ways and Winter and I were the only ones standing. I scanned to surrounding area. There were no threats in sight, which was a good thing. We just stared at each other, not knowing what to do. Winter seemed to grow uneasy. "Um, I'll go catch some fish too..." he said nervously. He edged slowly downstream. I just stood there. I decided to go find a goat or some sort. Why was there so many things in the way? I spotted a rabbit and dove quickly to catch it. It almost slipped from my grasp, but I held on to it tight. The rabbit squirmed in my talons and I started to feel bad, but it was prey, and I was hungry. It eventually died from suffocation. I was flying back to Winter while eating my food. I made sure to pay attention to my surroundings, as I was deep in thought. 

"You're all I'll ever need" (Qibli x Winter) A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now