Chapter 128

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Mina's POV
The good point of having a pet is that you get a great welcome after a month being watched over by my mother. "So? How did it go back in Seoul? I saw you had a good time for the last week." She showed me the pictures and clips we posted.

" She showed me the pictures and clips we posted

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I smiled at the memory of them

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I smiled at the memory of them. "I have better ones. Take a look!"

 Take a look!"

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Her eyes went wide in surprise

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Her eyes went wide in surprise. "He changed his hair? It's blond now?"

I denied. "He dyed it silver after it got bleached."

She saw my wide smile. "You love that look on him, huh?"

I laughed. "How could I not? I do get to call him a grandpa or a silver fox which I enjoy very much."
Her arms wrapped around me. "What's the hug for? I didn't even bring you anything back from there."

"I didn't see you in almost two months! Also figured you might need one."

Why? "I'm fine, mom. I swear. I just have a few emails, orders and meetings I need to get to so I can't stay long." I just wanted to be alone. Actually, no. I just didn't want to be vulnerable in front of anyone.
I mean.. I got to share the stage with my friends and my boyfriend. I got to be at award shows, a vernissage..I got to be in multiple music videos.. How could I come back sad? I was glad to see my dog and my mom, but it was a totally different life and pace. Luckily, they started to slowly match, yet it didn't feel the same.

"Urgh.. who's ringing me? I told the people close to me, I wanted to be left in peace.." I picked up my ringing phone. "What?"

There was laughter on the other line. "Jeez, did I wake you up? Did I get your return date wrong?"

I couldn't believe it. "Stef! Do I need to erase the call from my log?"

Another chuckle. "Probably should to be safe. I'm not really supposed to make calls, but I was allowed two for now."

"And I'm your second? I'm touched, really." Now that I thought about it. "I'm the one who'd most likely answer wouldn't I?"

"Don't say it like that! I miss hanging out with you. You need to update me on all your business when I'm back."

I didn't just have business. "You've been to weddings right?"

"Yeah? Are you planning one?"

I laughed. "No! But I'm attending two next year and I need etiquette debriefing."

He was happy to help. "I have time to speak on that for sure! Who's is it?"

Namjoon's POV
Getting back to my loft for the first time since she left, there was still evidence of her presence: her coffee cup in the sink, the way she folded the blanket on my couch, her sent on my second pillow. "What's this?" On my side table, there were three wrapped rectangles. "Of course, she'd forget something." I smiled fondly. "I'll ask her if she needs them shipped out." I read the name. "Moonie? It's for me?" A piece of paper was on the floor. Enjoy some light or not so light reading ~ I love you. Your Moonie. "How sweet? I wonder what books she got me. She did say she had a Canadian author to show me." I unwrapped them all. Soul's thoughts, Soul's journey and Soul's answer. By Niimi. In Hangul. Translated by Niimi.. the Korean editing house. "You got me your books! How dare you? I wanted to buy them when they got out.." That was so her. Thanks, Mina. I opened the first page. To the man who pushed me to be bold and to shine. You deserve it. "I didn't think you'd translate it yourself... Bold indeed."

My phone rang. The voice made me grin. "What are you thinking about the things I left you?"

"Thinking I need the English and Japanese versions too!" I mentioned, half joking. "Flight went well?"

"It was decent. The lending was scary with the icy road, but we didn't die!" She laughed. "Since you didn't text me before, I suppose you didn't sleep home?"

She was good. "JK wanted us to have dinner together and I ended up staying the night after practice and the meal." Now that I thought about it. "Don't you have a meeting or practice today?"

Her excitement was palpable. "Yeah! Driving there in a few hours. It's for the show I'm dancing in. The performances will be online as the show airs."

"I'll take a look at that! Also..." A pause. "We have an award show in April in L.A. Would you want to perform with us there?"

She sighed lightly. "You know they'll get dancers from there. I'd like to, but I don't think it's a move your company would pull."

"Why do you always have to be right about these things, huh?"

A chuckle. "Tell you what. If your band performs on a Quebec night or morning show, I'm almost positive your request will be accepted." A pause. "Besides, it's not because I can't see your show in Montreal that it means we won't see eachother."

Another good point. "You're making it hard to miss you!"

"That's the point! I'll let you go to bed, handsome.. Goodnight."

"Good morning, Foxy."

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