Chapter 53

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Mina's POV
I was picked up from the ground as soon as we crossed the door. "You. Were. AWESOME!"

I couldn't hold my laughter. "Stop that! I stumbled a couple of times."

He put me down and held me by my cheeks. "For a first TV interview it's more than great! I'm so proud of you. If you weren't there, I think I would've been more than sassy a couple if times." What I thought would be an agressive kiss was a gentle and delicate one. "Thank you for coming with me."

I smiled. "You're very welcome." We stayed in this embrace for a while.

Until his phone rang. "Yeah? On speaker? Sure." He did. "What do you guys want? You're ruining the moment."

They found it funny. "Want to go out for lunch? Talk about the interview and other things?"

I spoke up first. "If you don't mind taking me to the grocery store, I could make everything here?"

Joonie glanced down. "You would?"

"Yeah! Why not? I'm used to cook for large gatherings."

"Sure! I'm certain the others would love that! I'll be on my way then!" Kookie said cheerfully before the call ended.

"I promise I'll help you as much as I can." Joon said still hesitant about his cooking skills.

I chuckled and kissed him. "Take care of the dishes and we're good."
"What did you want to make noon- Mina dongsaeng?" I laughed at his mistake. "I'm sorry! I do this all the time."

"Do I give off that energy so bad? I'm 4 years younger than you!" I answered the question. "I was thinking of pajeon, bulgogi, still have mandu home, kimbap, banchans, jeyuk bokkeum.. Think it's enough diversity?"

"If I think so? Who'll help you make that?"

I shrugged. "Mandu is done. We can by side dishes. Pajeon is not difficult to make. We can buy kimbap... It's just the meat dishes I might need a hand with. Namjoon oppa's a good sous-chef, but I'd like to let him talk about the interview himself. I don't wanna be part of that conversation."

"That bad? I thought you did well?"

It had gone well. "I know. I don't want more questions about how different I am and how I should have answered differently."

"I thought you did brilliantly if you ask me. I'm not just talking about the clothes." That deserved a chuckle on my part.

"Thank you. I'd rather talk about the MV itself or what I'm gonna do other than that." I explained.

He nodded. "That's fair. With me, you won't have to speak about it." He gave me a side hug. "Put that wallet back, I swear to your ancestors, Min." Whaaaat? I only paid for food 40% of the time. "We'll be eleven. I'm paying for that bill."

I put my card back and crossed my arms, pouting. "Fine."

He did so and waved the receipt in my face. "Not making you pay 306$ worth of food. Let's get that to hyung's kitchen."

Namjoon's POV
It wasn't just the guys. Hobi hyung brought Moonbyul noona, Jimin brought his boyfriend and Tae brought his lady. Mine had greeted everyone from the open kitchen area.

"Look at the subtle sassy guy." Jin hyung exclaimed being the last one in.

I frowned. "I wasn't that sassy."

"Oh, really? Show me someone who can do this the same way with the same expression and I'll think about getting another artist. Really? It was my choice to have her in my clip. Friend or not, I wouldn't have someone without talent on set. You said it so calmly as if explaining your choice." He quoted me. "So sassy." He turned to the kitchen seeing tied auburn hair attached in a hair clip. "She's in there alone?"

It was unlikely. "I think Kook's in there. Byul noona too?" I turned. No, she wasn't. "Just Kook."

Now he gave me angry eyes. "You're not helping? I'll go land a hand. Maybe talk a bit with her."

Okay? She asked me not to set the kitchen on fire.

Mina's POV
"Need help?" I saw eonni's birth year twin from the corner of my eye.

I could use a hand.. "Oh, actually.. Yeah. If you could get some water boiling that'd be great, thank you."

He pulled a pot out. "Want me to make you a drink or something? I can put the table for you?"

I turned around. "Why are you being so nice to me?" Kookie stopped doing what he was doing too.

"It's obvious you're avoiding the subject that's lingering around." Jin took the mandu out of the fridge. "Why have us over at Namjoon's?"

Kookie took the spatula from my hand, smiling. "Take 5 minutes. I can flip these pajeons just fine."

I sat on the kitchen island, wine in hand. "Why have you over? Isn't it obvious? It makes him happy, you guys have a safe space to bring partners over.. If I don't want to be part of a conversation, I can join another or go in the room my stuff is in. He knows big groups are a lot for me and I might need a couple of minutes at times."

The eldest smiled. "You are as kind as he says. You know, you can ask us not to mention the interview. We'll understand."

I rose a brow. "Will you? I'm sure your curiosity is eating you up inside."

A chuckle. "I'm a bad liar, but I get it now. Want to talk about anything you'd like? Joke with Kookie and I while we finish this up?"

I did. "I appreciate it."

He helped me off the counter. "Don't mention it."

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