What if the Orion and Seria empires joined the Texan Republic?

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What if the Empires of Seria and Orion joined the Texan Republic? 

Firstly if the two nations joined there would be pressure to the Texan government to recognize the two monarchs as monarchs and not governors. So it would be a CIA operation to kill the monarchs and replace them with Texan politicians or divide them into existing or smaller states in order to balance the amount in the texan senate state house.

Most of the Civil problems would come from the north isthmus with the Orion-Texan border as it has a wall that is 35 feet high and 4 feet wide, and is there to prevent any potential enemies. As a result the state that has the isthmus would have to increase border security. Also Coastal state would start investing in the costal guard to prevent migrants. 

The opposite can kind of be said of the Seria empire if it joined. Serian passports would be ratified as a valid passport making it the third most powerful passport with the kingdom of cotal being second and Texas being one. 

The size of the nation would be at 655,222 square miles making the third largest country, with the Demonic Empire being number one and the elf empire being number two.

The new GDP would be at around 4.8 Trillion USD, making it the largest economy in the region and world. 

The population size would be at 61 Million people with the east coast of Texas having the larger population densities. 

The military budget for the army would be at 189 Billion usd while the actual size of the army would be at 600,000 active duty, and over 800,000 reserves with an additional 350,000 national home guard. Which would mean it would have over 1.4 Million troops and over 350,000 national guard making it a force to reckon with, but will still have the second biggest population and military size with the Demonic Empire having 184 Million citizens with over 1.5 Million active duty, 900,000 reserves and 600,000 home guard. Essentially 2.4 Milliom troops and 600,000 national guard. 

However, would this bigger Texas survive? 

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