sligshut sick idfk

429 7 9

floof skateshot floof someone asked me to do dis

slingshot was at his room trying to sleep, he could sleep the entire night because he felt sick. it was really getting to him, sometimes his vision going black and coming back, sometimes get a stomach ace. so many stuff he couldnt really handle, yet he still had to work. he hardly got dressed and vine staff came in.

''hey sling- whoa you good? you look sick..''

''no- -cough- i- im fine..''

vine staff got close to slingshot and checked his temprature and it was off the roof, vine staff was a bit shocked.

''jesus.. sling you should take the day off and rest you cant go to work like this..''

''n- no- i ca- -cough-'' 

''look ill call skateboard to take care of you. you stay home okay?''

''but th- the cafe- -cough-''

''sling. we will take care of it dont worry!''

vine staff putted slingshot back in bed checking his temprature again and doing basic check ups. 

''okay ill leave some medicine for you to use, i also made soup yesterday so drink that. and dont do anything untill skateboard comes!''

vine staff and shuri had left the house and slingshot was just in bed, starting to see things scared. he just fully covers himself in the blanket not understanding he was hallucinating..
then the doorbell rang. slingshot was too weak to open it so he stayed in bed still scared, after a few minutes the door opened and skateboard had came.

''sling? where are you?''

skateboard walked towards slingshots room and saw him under the blanket. he lifted the blanket to see slingshot scared for some reason. 

''sling whats wrong?? what happened''

then out of no where slingshot hugged skateboard still scared, slingshot was almost about to cry. then skateboard just got in bed with him hugging slingshot. slingshot was still scared still seeing thing's. he started hugging skateboard thighter and started crying.

''slingy are you okay? im here dont worry..''

slingshot was really scared and skateboard was just trying to comfort him.

''you can tell me slingshot.. there isnt a reason to cry..''

''im.. im scared..''

slingshot kept crying while hugging skateboard.

a few minutes passed 

slingshot had finnaly stopped crying he was just hugging skateboard still tired. sleepy, slingshot started sleeping while hugging skateboard. seeing how slingshot had started sleeping skateboard kissed slingshot on the forehead letting him sleep in peace.

skateboard tried getting out of bed but slingshot started hugging him tighter and started almost crying again. slingshot was having a bad dream. skateboard just hugged slingshot too and kissed him on the forehead again. slingshot felt better and continued sleeping peacefully without bad dreams. skateboard, knowing he couldnt get out of bed or slingshot would just hug him tighter just held slingshot close, sleeping with him.

a few hours later

vine staff and shuriken would have came back home, vine staff couldnt find skateboard anyway. so, vine staff came into slingshots room to check up on slingshot. just to see skateboard and slingshot sleeping together. just smiling

''love birds..''

then letting them sleep and leaving. shuriken just looked at vine staff

''how's slingshot sis?''

''he's fine. hes sleeping with skateboard.''

''oh.. cewl can i invite dom again?''




da end

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