not used to it.

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Boombox and ban hammer YAYA (this takes place before the skateshot sick thing btw.)

Ban Hammer was at home hetting ready to go to work, he didnt really like work at all, but he had to do what he had to do.

He needed the money afterall, being the warden was really the only job that paid well in his eyes, but he kinda regrets it now due to how annoying it is..

Well.. cant change now can he? So he grabbed his keys and other items and left home. Going to the police station where he mostly stayed at while waiting for jobs to do.

A few minutes later he arrived, getting greeted by officer bloxxer who was eating a donut.

Sitting next to him on a chair, burying his face in his arms while he waits.


A few minutes pass, still no jobs to do.
Officer bloxxer looks just as bored as ban hammer is scrolling through his phone.

Ban hammer doesnt really know what to do to pass the time, he doesnt really use his phone often due to mostly watching tv at home.

He mostly only used his phone to call his mama, or just for work purposes..

He never really used phighttube since he thought tv and phighttube were the same thing.

So, out of boredom he opened his phone and started scrolling through texts, almost all of them being job texts..

Scrolling through even more texts he see's an image that they had sended of 2 people to find since they caused alot of property damage..

Skateboard, and Boombox.

Ban hammer scoffs as he puts his phone down staring at the table as he looks annoyed.

Officer bloxxer of course notices this.

"You good?"

Ban hammer groans

"Yes.. I am.."

He anwers in an annoyed tone, its easy to see something is off. But just what is off is the question.

"Did something happen or what?"

"I dont wanna talk about it.. So stop annoying me.."

"Just talking is annoying now for you? Ya get annoyed easily. Just tell me."

Ban hammer stays quiet for a second, he looks a bit pissed off now.

"... I have a crush on someone.."

Bloxxer puts his phone down staring at ban hammer.

"A crush? YOU.. have a crush..?"

Ban hammer nods slowly, annoyed.

"Who would you even like? I never saw you like anyone."


Ban hammer gives his phone to officer bloxxer, showing a photo of skateboard and boombox.

"Its just a photo of those to annoyances..?"

"The green one.. i have a crush on the green one.."

Officer bloxxer just stares ban hammer more confused now..



Ban hammer looks even more pissed off now, while officer bloxxer just looks at the photo and back at ban hammer.

"You.. specifficaly like this annoying rascal that keeps causing us trouble..?"

Ban hammer sighs.


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