good feelings.

346 6 15

Hypertana for that one guy that asker for it (i was also thinking about it too so-) this is a comfort fluff or smth- idfk what this is


Its the dead of night.. katana couldnt sleep because of bad thoughts again.. after a few more minutes of trying to sleep, he gives up and gets up.. he's tired of these bad thoughts he had been having for a while now.. he goes to the toilet and looks at himself through the mirror. just to see the main thing for his bad thoughts as always... himself. he kept thinking again and just punched the mirror in anger. making a loud breaking sound that would wake up everyone if they werent such deep sleepers. 

after breaking the mirror. his hand started to bleed and hurt. he became more angry but tried to control himself. it had been the 5th time he had done this.. every single time he had to go out and get a new mirror to replace it so the others dont notice. this time he didnt give a shit. he just continued to stare at his bloody hand and then at the broken mirror, if there was even anything left of it.. a little bit of the blood had dripped onto the floor making a puddle.. katana was still thinking. why he kept doing this and thinking about this..

after a few more minutes he just washed the blood off his hand and started walking to the front door. walking past the living room while doing so and seeing skateboard and slingshot.. skateboard was awake but not energetic at all like he was. andd.. slingshot was just sleeping on him. skateboard noticed katana. a bit confused on why hes awake, katana didnt care to talk to skateboard but skateboard probably wasnt gonna let him walk away without a bit of questions.

''eh..? katana? why are you awake right now..?''

skateboard sounded tired but still a bit energetic at the same time. katana didnt care to look at skateboards way even when he was talking to him

''im gonna go out..'' 


skateboard was still a bit confused and immidietly remembered the loud glass breaking sound that came.

''hey katana.. uhhh were you the one that made the loud noise..?''

katana didnt answer but skateboard saw his hand was bleeding still and understood immidietly. but he didnt want to annoy katana so he just didnt say anything.

''hey skateboard..''


''why are you awake..? i thought i was the only one that would be awake at this hour..''

''Oh! i uhh-''

before skateboard could say anything, slingshot immidietly hugged him a bit tighter to make him a bit less loud and started purring. explaining why skateboard couldnt sleep neither. skateboard got a small blush and katana just sigh'ed 

''alright then.. anyway im going now.. try to sleep skateboard.. or youll be the one feeling annoyed while sleeping tommorrow..''

''oh- yea yea..! anyway bye katana.''

skateboard waved at katana goodbye as katana walked away. opened the door and walked out of the house. 

after a few minutes of walking katana entered a bar, he always goes here with hyperlaser. he enters and the bartender immidietly welcomes him. katana sits down and just orders a beer. not caring who he set next to after waiting a bit. the waiter brought his beer and walked away to do something else, katana just stared at the beer for a bit before starting to drink little by little. hes still thinking about the bad thoughts but he began to forget them a bit. after a few seconds he already finished his beer and ordered another one. immidietly getting another beer as he said.

''you arent gonna drink 6 of them in one night again are you?''

he heard a voice next to him. he didnt care to look since he knew who it was from the voice. 


''you wanna talk..?''

katana just sighed and drinked his beer a bit. hyperlaser sitting next to him understanding hes thinking again.

''bad thoughts again..?''


katana still stayed quiet. not talking back at all and just sitting there doing nothing. hyperlaser just looked at him and noticed katanas bleeding arm hes trying to not show.

''... again..? you should stop doing that katana.. it will be a problem later on..''

''..... i get too angry.. i cant stop myself what the hell should i do..?''

hyperlaser gave out a tired sigh. and just looked at katana.

''your insecure again arent you..?''

katana didnt know what to reply with so he just kept staring at his beer. not doing anything again. hyperlaser reached out to katana grabbing his hand lightly to comfort him

''is it your face again..?''

katana still didnt want to answer nor look at hyperlaser. just thinking not doing anything still.

''look. katana.. you can tell me. im not gonna say or judge you at all. you know me katana.. just.. what is it..?''

''... its my face.. and.. myself really..''

''alright then.. im listening..''

katana just makes a really tired sigh.

''its just- im scared of showing my face and i feel like im too rude.. i try to be nice to people but.. i always scared them for some reason.. and just.. showing my face i think will make it worse.. hell i just tried to calmly talk to skateboard, and he just looked a bit scared to even say something.. im.. im just tired of making people scared.. its all because of my god damn ugly face and how big i am.. i fucking hate it...''

hyperlaser after listening to katana rant reaches out his hand and puts it on katanas cheek lightly. and sighs yet again.

''look katana. im tired of you being scared to show your face. i understand your scared to show it and scared even more people but i just think thats stupid katana. look, believe me when i say this katana.. your as beatiful as you think your ugly. there is no reason to think of such bad things about yourself. im here for you, and im not gonna let you think bad of yourself.''

before katana could say anything hyperlaser lifted his helmet and grabbed katana and pulled him close. kissing him to comfort him, making katana forget the bad toughts. then pulling him away lightly.

after a few seconds of silence, hyperlaser speaks.

''feel better now..?''

''... yeah.. thanks hyperlaser..''

katana smiled a bit, after a few seconds of more silence hyperlaser speaks up again.

''alright now.. come on lets drink a bit you didnt come here just to rant did ya?''

hyperlaser pat katana on the back hearing another sigh from katana

''yea yea.. its on me. come on what do you want?''

after a hour has passed hyperlaser and katana are both going home. before walking away hyperlaser wants to say something.

''hey katana.''

''..? yeah..?''

''dont think bad of yourself. im here to love you whenever you feel bad.''

''... thanks hyper..''

hyperlaser kisses katana on the cheek waves at him and walks away into the night. katana starts walking home alone too, happy. finnaly rested of the bad thoughts. he felt good now. he felt.. happy. 



damn i have been thinking of making this for so long-

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