25. Overdose

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Smut chapter! Warning for light cnc and squirting? In case that needs a warning, it gets messy


Seonghwa's lure was irresistible. A single beckon of his finger had San forget about the strain the ritual put on him, and he engulfed Seonghwa's waist with brawny arms. Their lips found each other to convey their excitement as San walked his elven husband toward his bed. The heat ignited in the fond caresses of their mouths.

Before they could reach their destination, however, Seonghwa slid a hand between them, pushing lightly against San's chest. The angel paused immediately and pulled back to study Seonghwa's expression.

"Pardon me, but please stay patient for a moment longer. I need to change out of this gown first." It was an important piece, a ritualistic cloth that wasn't easily replaced. Chains and dangling pendants crossed over his chest and arms in carefully placed patterns. While Seonghwa couldn't wait for San to toss all the pins in his hair, his garments required patience.

"I will help you," San offered without a complaint. He followed Seonghwa into his spacious closet and undid the button on his nape so the elf could peel his clothes off slowly and carefully. Seonghwa didn't take his eyes off their vision on the tall mirror before them. It showed the gorgeous angel, broad behind the lithe elf and with his wings angled as he gradually unravelled Seonghwa's hair into loose curls. The ritual caused no optical change, but he was as handsome as ever.

San always kept his hair tidy and short, but since coming here, it fell into his eyes softer, curling in the sunlight. His features were sharp and angular, melting into that body sculpted by endless hours of dedication. As always, his hands were calloused from wielding weapons, but he pulled the pins from Seonghwa with the utmost caution.

Once the elf's long hair cascaded freely to his hips, San's fingers skimmed down his bare shoulders, taking the thin fabric adorning the elf along. Despite Seonghwa's shy hand on his bodice, it soon exposed the softness of his chest and the narrow curve of his ribcage. San buried his face in Seonghwa's nape, kissing the pale skin dotted with stars.

Enraptured by the sight of the pair, Seonghwa watched through the mirror how San slowly undressed him. How his fingers slipped under the fabric with so much patience, undid the small hooks to expose the elf's body slowly. The angel's heat warmed him and Seonghwa sighed, head lolling against his shoulder as he left himself to San's hands.

"You're gorgeous," San whispered when they made eye contact in the mirror. When Seonghwa shyly glanced away at being caught, San kissed the jut of his shoulder and his slender fingers. The elf in his arms was comfortable and protected, relishing their moment.

As the top came apart, San gently threw it onto a shelf nearby to deal with later. His thumbs caressed over Seonghwa's jutting hip bones, toying with the waistband of his skirt. Goosebumps accompanied his lure, and Seonghwa reached behind to cradle San's nape in his arms, arching against his body.

Like this, he looked so lithe compared to the broad angel. His wings shrouded them as if the castle was gone and only the two of them remained. The desire for his handsome angel blushed across Seonghwa's cheeks.

San was patient for now. He caressed his fingers over Seonghwa's flanks and kissed marks against his skin. When his hands finally paused their roaming, they settled over Seonghwa's chest to squeeze it lightly.

"My gorgeous husband," San hummed, voice like honey, yet holding a dark promise of what the angel could do if left to roam. He kissed Seonghwa's ear, from the arched tip to the soft lobes. As his teeth tugged on the dangling silver that adorned the invaluable elf, his voice was full of yearning.

"I want you."

Seonghwa shuddered in his arms but didn't recoil. A whimper broke over his lips when the heat in his loins made itself known, twitching against the fabric of his slit skirt.

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