43. Return of the Glass Jar

158 20 7

Warnings: smut, tentacles, sounding, bondage


"What do you want tonight, hawthorn? Do you want Yunho to hold you? Should Hongjoong and I sit back and watch you fall apart under his gifted hands?" Seonghwa purred at the demon before him. He leaned in elegantly to bewitch him with the lightest caresses. When he hooked a finger under the demon's collar to kiss him, Mingi keened.

The demon's skin strained against his bindings, but no pain marred his brow. When he whimpered and leaned his cheek into Seonghwa's hand, he was as dear as ever.

"Y-You can join," Mingi gasped when the other two shuffled to gather on the bed, tracing their hands over Mingi's inner thigh and his hip. "I would like to have everyone close." Under his dark skin, his flush was invisible, but Seonghwa found it just as charming.

"Of course, sweetheart. We will make you feel good. Come here, Yunho. Our lovely Mingi wants to be held by you." He beckoned the human to come over and he kissed Mingi full of affection while Seonghwa skimmed his cold fingertips over his chest. His touch was less mean than Hongjoong's but no less teasing as he rolled the hard nubs of his chest under nimble fingertips until Mingi pushed his chest out with a whine.

Hongjoong's hand coquetted with the heavy length of the demon, yearning for touch yet never with the greed to burrow into something. The slick squelches of his movements resonated with the thoughts behind the sorcerer's eyes.

"What are you pondering about?" Seonghwa hummed as he draped his body over Hongjoong's back. He opened the buttons of his jacket and the shirt beneath, freeing the sorcerer's smooth skin. Hongjoong exhaled when long hair tickled at his chest and the elf's body so temptingly curled around him.

"Do you plan to take Mingi tonight? Want me to prepare you?"

The demon was utterly at their mercy. Splayed open to be used as they wished. Not that Seonghwa would ever allow anything to happen Mingi didn't want, but he was excited to dedicate this night to them.

Seonghwa knew Hongjoong well enough to read the expression on his face.

"I don't, no. Though it would be a shame if he had to feel cold, wouldn't it?"

The sorcerer formulated his ploy, making it look as if he didn't squeeze his thighs together at the idea of feeling Mingi's gem inside of him. Then, after a long period of consideration, he nodded. 

"We can't have that. I should sacrifice myself."

So awed by Hongjoong's selflessness, Seonghwa let go of him with a giggle. He slid between Mingi's open legs to massage their length and gently held him while Hongjoong got rid of the rest of his clothing and rolled under the demon. Even bound, Mingi covered the entirety of the sorcerer. Whatever Hongjoong did with his tentacled touch below, it had the demon lurch in Seonghwa's grip and Yunho pulled free from him to change positions. With the jar of oil in hand, he joined Seonghwa's side.

"I'm only doing this so you can relax," Hongjoong threatened the demon as he got on all fours to align himself. As always, his self-produced slick glistened on his thighs, easing the slide. Yet, he still gulped when Mingi's tip glided through the mess, so hot and heavy. 

Since the sorcerer was never one to back down from a challenge, he reached behind to press Mingi's tip inside. The demon moaned at the feeling and his tremble echoed in his bindings.

"Don't hurt yourself," he whimpered, and Seonghwa soothed him with delicate hands on his flanks. Yunho spread the demon open on slick fingers, distracting him from that side while Hongjoong helped from the other. 

A litany of curses fell from Hongjoong's lips. He eased back against Mingi and his arms trembled below him as his expression slipped into one of pleasure. When he felt Seonghwa's eyes on him, he bit his lip. 

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