Chapter 2 | Rules

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"Hurry up, girl!" Becca says, standing beside my science desk.

"Sorry, I finished late!" I say, shoving my stuff into my bag.

When I'm done she grabs my wrist and drags me out of the class. She drags me down the stairs and through the corridor. We make it to the cafeteria, push in line, get our food, and go sit at our table. There are 4 girls already seated, one of them being the girl, who gave me the pen the previous day. Upon realizing this, I roll my eyes. She smiles at me, probably not recognizing me.

"This is Layla," Becca says, pointing to the brunette girl, who gave me the pen. Becca, then, points to a blonde girl, who kinda looks like her, "This is Celia," she moves to another girl, who has black hair, "Sabrina!" she then moves on to a curly-haired brunette, "And, this is Alicia! Girlies, this is Y/n!" 

"Hii!" I say.

"Heyy!" they all respond.

"Okay, so, since we're like the most well-known girls in the school," Layla says, "It's kinda a blessing to be friends with us."

Celia nods.

"So, we have rules! No, talking to people like..." she moves her finger around the cafeteria before finding someone, "That," she points to a dirty blonde girl, who is wearing baggy jeans and an oversized band tee.

I nod.

"And as for boys, only go for well-known boys, we don't want you getting in with the wrong crowd, you're very pretty!" Becca adds before looking around and pointing to a table near us, "That's Heather Hills - she basically thinks she owns the place when actually nobody likes her. She moved here last year. She's only known cos she's rich. Complete fucking whore, may I mention."

"Got it!" I say.

"It's pretty simple!" Layla shrugs.


"Oh, and in the future, you might wanna cut down on cals," Becca says, pointing to my meal, "Y'know for a summer bod."

"Yeah, no, of course! I just haven't had a proper meal  in a while."

"Ohhh, fair enough!" she replies.

"Even if she had, she should still be allowed to eat," Sabrina says, picking at her food.

"Thanks, Sabrina, I'm full, though," I shrug, "I'll throw this away unless anyone wants anything."

Celia goes to take my chocolate bar but Becca smacks her hand away. I stand up with my tray and pour its contents into the bin, apart from the chocolate bar, which I slide into my pocket. I turn around and bump into someone, almost immediately.

"I am so sorry!" I say, looking up.

I look up from the band T-shirts I just bumped into and see dark brown eyes meeting mine. He just shrugs but I can't help but stay where I am. He looks down at me and groans before his eyes light up as if he's just realized something.

"You're in my English!" he says, "Y'know I'm in a band. Sometimes we play so loud we make eardrums bleed."

"Oh-" I say.

Before he can say anything else, I feel someone tugging my arm so, I turn.

"What are you doing talking to this freak?" Layla asks, dragging me away.

"I just bumped into him- so, I-" I ask as we sit back down at the table.

"I don't even know his name, he's not important!" Becca says, "She just bumped into him, what's the biggie?"

"Rodrick Heffley? He thinks he's totally cool cos he plays in a band and goes against the rules but in reality, he's just a dumbass troublemaker," Layla shrugs.

"I know his name. I sit next to me in English!" I say, "He's not-"

"Ugh, doesn't he annoy you?" Alicia sighs, "He was in my maths last year, and I had to sit next to him. When he wasn't sleeping, he was pissing me off. Made my life hell," she groans.

I nod, "Yeah..."

"Mhm. Don't be caught around him again, for your reputation and ours," Layla says.

Becca seems unsure but nods in agreement, which is odd because usually, she's the one who instructs things in the group (from what I've heard).


𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 (Rodrick Heffley)Where stories live. Discover now