Chapter 7 | Just past 6

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My sleep is fairly light. In the early hours of the morning, I wake up. I forgot to set an alarm but it's fine, I'm used to waking up early so I just wake up naturally at around 5-6 A.M. The room is still dark, and the sunlight hasn't risen and crept through the blinds. I turn my head and see Rodrick awake, sitting on the bed, just watching me. 

"Rodrick?" I ask.

Rodrick is silent, his eyes fixed on me. He seems to study my face for a moment, then he smiles. 

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you, you looked peaceful," his voice is low and soft, it sends a tingle down my spine.

Rodrick's gaze is so intense, that it's impossible to look away. My heart is racing, almost painfully so.

"Uhm... it's alright," I manage, my voice barely above a whisper. "What time is it?"

"It's just past six," Rodrick says, "I woke up a few minutes ago," he adds.

"Oh, okay..." I say, still not meeting Rodrick's gaze. My mind is blank.

Rodrick leans forward slightly, shifting his weight onto his elbows. He tilts his head slightly. His smile is still there, but it's hard to tell what he's thinking. Silence fills the room, and it is incredibly tense. Rodrick is silent, still staring intently at me. Suddenly, his gaze shifts down slightly; he is no longer staring at my eyes but at my lips. 

"I- uhm..." I go to speak but his gaze being fixed on me makes me unable to.

Rodrick just stares at me, his gaze unmoving. He seems to be waiting for something as if he is expecting me to say something. Rodrick leans forward slightly, his gaze not leaving my lips. I once again go to speak but find it hard to muster anything up. I don't know why I do it but I practically throw myself at him. I don't even realize that I did it until Rodrick's mouth is on mine. I close my eyes as I press my lips against his soft, warm ones. The world seems to disappear.  After a few seconds, Rodrick pulls away and looks at me as if to check that I am okay. 

"I shouldn't have..." he whispers, but I quickly pull him back into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck. 

Rodrick kisses back as he wraps his arms around my waist tightly.  The kiss becomes more intense, and my mind begins to get lost. All thought is gone except for the feeling of his lips on mine. My hands run through his soft hair and down his back. Suddenly, Rodrick breaks the kiss and takes a few deep breaths. My mind is completely blank. 

"I...uhm...we should stop," he says.

"Right, yeah, I should start getting ready..." I say, standing up.

"Yeah, you're right," Rodrick says, standing up, I notice that his cheeks are faintly pink despite the dim lighting, "I'm going to have a shower," he adds - he sounds embarrassed, his voice breaking slightly.

"Alright," I say, still overwhelmed by the kiss you just shared. "I...erm...I'm just going to go to the bathroom before you shower if that's okay?" 

"Yeah, uh, okay."

I dash into the bathroom, change my clothes, and apply perfume and deodorant. I  brush my teeth before coming back into Rodrick's room. He leaves the room almost immediately when I walk in. I'm left alone in his room, feeling slightly dazed.  It feels weird being in Rodrick's room alone. I pause, letting my mind catch up with my body as I stare into his mirror. I grab my makeup bag from my bag and start to do my makeup and skincare before brushing my hair. 

There is a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" I hear Rodrick ask through the door. Upon hearing that, I open the door and Rodrick enters the room, wet hair sticking up in awkward angles. He is wearing a towel around his waist. "You alright?" he asks, awkwardly, looking at the floor.

"Uhm... yeah, I'm fine!" I reply, finding it a little hard to look away from his torso - but who wouldn't? "I just finished getting ready..." I add

"You mind leaving whilst I get dressed?" Rodrick asks.

"Of course not!" I say, leaving his room.

"Uh, also, my parents got back, they asked if you could go down to them."

I shut his door and grab Manny before I make my way downstairs. Susan smiles when she sees me.

"Y/n, how were they?" she asks, taking Manny from me.

"Good!" I say, "We ordered a pizza and watched a movie and Greg and Rodrick were pretty chill, no arguments. Manny went to sleep on time and he didn't wake me up once!"

"Wow! I'm impressed, Y/n!" she says, "You can stay for breakfast. Rodrick can take you to school."

"Alright, thank you!" I reply.


The breakfast is kinda awkward, I wish I'd make up some excuse. Frank continuously throws little digs at Rodrick. I feel bad but I'm not gonna defend him. I can't. I don't wanna upset Frank and lose my only opportunity to hang with Rodrick.


We leave the house.

"There's 2 seats," Rodrick says as we walk over to his van, which says Löded Diper on the side.

I hear Greg groan.

"So Y/n and I get seats and Greg you go in the back."

"I'm sure I and Greg can share, it's not safe to-" I begin but Greg interrupts.

"Yeah! We'll share!" Greg says almost immediately.


𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 (Rodrick Heffley)Where stories live. Discover now