Chapter 6 | Babysitting

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I knock on the door and eventually, Susan answers. She has Manny in her hands.

"I'm so happy I met you, I was starting to lose hope!" she says, handing me Manny.

I laugh in reply because I don't know what else to do.

"FRANK!" she shouts to her husband, "Y/n, sweetie, there's money on the side for a pizza, Greg's in his room, obviously Manny's with you."

"What about Rodrick?" I ask.

"Asleep on the couch," she rolls her eyes.

I nod before I hear Frank shouting at Rodrick for being quote-on-quote, 'A lazy bitch'. Susan clears her throat as a distraction from this but Frank's shouting is rather loud and probably hearable from a mile away.

"Why don't you come in?" Susan asks. 

I nod, walking in with Manny on my hip.

"When's uh, his bedtime?" I ask.

"7 pm."

"Alrighty, thank you, Susan, see you later!"

"No, thank you. See you!"

 I go into the living room where I find Rodrick sitting up and Frank just leaving. Rodrick rolls his eyes and just lays his head back on the couch.

"Get up, please, Rodrick," I say, and, reluctantly, he sits up.

"It's not like I was asleep," he rolls his eyes, resting his arm on the couch's armrest and placing his head onto his hand.

I place Manny down on the couch next to him, "Watch your brother while I grab some toys from his room, please?"

He nods and I quickly run upstairs. I don't trust Rodrick looking after kids, he just doesn't seem capable, especially after the encounter with Greg. I open his toy box, bring out some toys, and run downstairs with them, where I set them up in the living room, I plop Manny onto the floor and hand him some of the toys as the rest stay on the floor.

"Rodrick, please watch him, I gotta check Greg," I say.

Once again, he nods and I dash upstairs. I knock on Greg's door.


"You okay?" I ask.

The door almost immediately swings open.

"Y/n! I missed you!" he says.

"You did?" I ask, confused.

We've met once.


"Ah, uh, okay, what you doing?" I ask.

"I'm writing!" he says.

"Ooo! Like a diary?" I ask.


"Oh, uh..."

"Sort of?"

"Oh okay, that's cool."

"Really? Rodrick thinks it is for losers."

"Rodrick doesn't know what he's talking about," I shrug. There's a brief silence before I ask, "You want pizza?"

"Yes! Pizzas my fav!" he says.

"Yay okay! Pepperoni?" I ask.

He nods.

"You cool with Pepsi?" I ask.

He nods once again.

I go downstairs, shutting his door behind me. When I get into the living room, I pick Manny up.

𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 (Rodrick Heffley)Where stories live. Discover now