Chapter 4 | Project

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I knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I hear someone yell then loud thuds aiming toward the door.

The door swings open. Rodrick grins looking me up and down.

"Pretty nice, new girl," he shrugs.

I nod, "Thanks..?"

"Y'know, I wa-" he pauses before he chuckles for a second, "Oh, the project!"

"Yeah, of course."

"Rodrick!" I hear a woman call, "Let her in!"

He steps to the side and leans on the door.

"Come in."

He grabs my wrist and we go and sit on the couch.

"Didn't mean to interrupt the show, what were you watching?" I ask him.

"I was actually...sleeping."

"Oh, sorry, I should've texted before coming over but we didn't have classes together today so, I couldn't get your number."

He shrugs.

He turns the TV off.

"You wanna learn how to play the drums?" he asks, clearly sidetracked.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Right, the project. Let's go into my room," he says, leading me upstairs. 

His mom stops us before we make it into his room.

"Rodrick, don't forget to hand out the posters about the babysitter!"

"I'm 16, mom, I don't need a babysitter."

"Not just for you but for Greg and Manny," she says.

"I wouldn't mind!" I say, "I've been looking for some job gigs since I just moved and I gotta pay rent. Plus, I've been babysitting for a few years!" I say.

"That'd be lovely! What's your name, sweetheart?"


"When you've finished with this project just before you leave give me your number, and I'll give you a call."

"Will do, thank you..."


"Thank you, Susan!"

"Oh, Rodrick, put a jacket on," Susan says before gesturing to her arms, "It's cold."

Rodrick nods after he looks down at his arms. I look at them two, there are a few bruises across them but it's probably nothing.

We go into Rodrick's bedroom and he shuts the door. It's messy but not dirty.

"Right, let's start," I say, plunking my bag down.

I empty the bag I have with me, taking out: pieces of cardboard, paper, pencils, pens, coloring pencils, markers, highlights, a watercolor paint pallet, paint brushes, and a small plastic cup. 

"Can you fill this with water please?" I ask, handing him the plastic cup.

He nods.

Suddenly, there are nonstop knocks on the door.

"Uh, Rodrick, it's your room you don't have to-"

"Who's that?" I hear a young boy ask.

"Uh-" I'm about to say something but I fall silent.

"What do you want?" Rodrick asks, from outside the door.

"Who's in there?" the boy asks.

"A girl," Rodrick replies before opening the door, walking in and shutting it.

The door opens as Rodrick walks over. Rodrick groans as he turns around.

"Go," he says.

Greg looks at me and he tilts his head.

Rodrick throws the cup of water on him and pushes him out of the room. I stand up.

"Rodrick, what the fuck, he's about 8!" I say, standing up.

"He's 10!"

"I'M NEARLY 13!" I hear the boy shout.

 I take the cup from Rodrick and open the door.

"Are you okay?" I ask, kneeling down next to the boy.

He shakes his head.

I help him up, "Why don't you go change out of your damp clothes, and if anything is cut come to me and I'll fix you up," I say.

"Okay!" he says, staggering to the bedroom.

I walk back into the room and ram the cup into Rodrick's chest.

"Fill it up, again," I say.


After a few hours of working on it, we're nearly done.

"Do you mind if we keep it at yours till the due date?" I ask.

"Nah, all good," Rodrick says.

"Great thanks!" I say, ripping a piece of paper and scribbling my number onto it, "Here's my number, give it to your mom, please!"


𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 (Rodrick Heffley)Where stories live. Discover now