Chapter 15 | Acceptance

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Normal. We're trying to make things go back to normal. Ignore the obvious, drastic change in Rodrick's life and act as we usually do. One issue. I have a boyfriend. A boyfriend, my friends aren't fans of. We haven't told anyone, yet. We wanna keep it on the low but if anyone asks, we will say we're dating.

I walk into the cafeteria and plunk down into my usual spot.

"Y/n!!" Sabrina says, "Hi, girl! You weren't in all of the last two weeks!" she hugs me.

I hug her back, "Yeah, I know, I know, I've been so distracted. It's been uh, complicated. I'll tell you guys later. How have you all been?" I ask.

"Derek totally like broke my heart and then he got back with me, it was so-"

"No one cares Becca, that's hardly relevant! Daniel and 'licia got together," Layla says.

"I think me and Derek breaking up and getting back together could be relevant in the future. If I bring it up, she won't know what I mean. Plus, I think that is for Ali and Daniel to tell. Also, Layla, you might want to watch your tongue, you forget I can ruin your reputation in seconds," Becca says, through gritted teeth.

The tension on the table is unreal, we all avoid eye contact with both girls.

"Uhm, so," Alicia begins, "Like Layla said. I'm back with Daniel."

"I'll always support you, Ali. I don't know why you're doing this to yourself, he's awful but as long as you're happy," I shrug.

"Same for you!" Alicia says.


"I mean...we don't just think it's a coincidence..." she says.

"What?" I ask.

"You and Rodrick both missing two weeks," she shrugs, "Clearly sum going on."

"Nah, I- he...he was off?"

"Don't pretend, N/n," Becca says, "We don't care. Popular boys are dicks. If you like weird drumming freaks and they make you happy...whatever," she adds.

"Wow, real supportive," I say, sarcastically.

"Sabrina!" Celia says.

I tilt my head.


"It doesn't matter what she did or said. She made us realise as long as our friends are happy, their social status and that doesn't matter or something..." Becca says, rolling her eyes, "And, I guess she's right. I'm happy for her and Ava. And, if you and Rodrick -really- are a thing. I'm happy for you!" Becca smiles as she turns to face Layla once again, "Oh, but, uh, sorry to make things tricky for you, I guess. You're outa the group."

Layla's face drops, "What?"

"You heard me, go."

"That's just-"

"Oliver broke up with you, by the way!" Celia says.

"Huh?" Layla says, "I don't get it. Why am I out?"

"Ava told Sabrina what you said when they came out to us and told us they were dating," Becca says, "Quite frankly, not a fan of it."

"All of this has happened in two weeks?" I ask.

Becca shrugs, "Apparently so."

"That's not fair!" Layla says, "So what if I don't like Sabrina and Ava? We're best friends, Becca! We have been since Pre-K!"

"No, these four are my best friends," Becca says, gesturing to me, Sabrina, Celia, and Alicia, "You are...there's a word for you... irrelevant. Off you trot, Layla, maybe you'll find people who, actually, like you one day," she waves to Layla as Layla stands up, scoffing and walking away, trying to find her (ex) boyfriend. I mean Celia did warn her, he broke up with her but she didn't listen.

"Ew, y'know what, never mind fuck Daniel," Alicia says, "I'm totes sending him a text breaking up with him."

We all laugh.

"That took a couple of days," Becca says.

"Too many days," she says, pulling out her phone and sending a quick text to Daniel.

I look across the cafeteria to where Daniel is sitting, he checks his phone, and his face drops. He looks away awkwardly and turns his phone off. He then excuses himself and runs out of the cafeteria.

"Deserved," Becca says, leaning in her hands.

"Your boyfriend is over there, go on," Sabrina says, pointing to Rodrick.

"Okay okay!" I say, standing up.

I walk over to Rodrick.

"Hey, Rodrick..." I say.

"Hi, N/n, you uh- people don't- your friends, if they see you-" he begins but I interrupt him.

"It's fine. They know. Can we go somewhere more private?" I ask.

He laughs to himself, "I see."

"No. Not like- no." 

"Mk, mk but it's only a matter of time before you can't resist my charms."

"We are dating."

"I mean-"

"Yeah, yeah. You wanna skip?" I ask, "Rooftop? I add.

"Only if you can pick the lock," he shrugs.

"Bet, bet."


𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 (Rodrick Heffley)Where stories live. Discover now