Chapter 5 | Setup

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I munch on my garden salad, staring at Rodrick as I eat. I can't help but think about the bruises, I get it's normal to have bruises but they all looked really recent. I don't know if his mum was asking him to cover them with the jacket or if she was actually concerned about the cold. 

Celia taps me on my shoulder, snapping me from my trance.

"You okay?" she asks.

I nod.

Layla shoves her tray onto the table and smiles, "Y/n! Hi!" she greets.

"Heylo!" I reply.

"We were thinking!" Layla begins, "We should set you up!"

"Oh, no it's fine-"

"We were thinking Nathan or Lucas!" Becca says.

"Ginger Lucas?" Celia asks.

"Absolutely not! I'm not having my Y/n set up with ginger Lucas!" Sabrina says.

"No! Ew! I would never do that to my friend! Brunette Lucas! Lucas Smith!" Becca says.

"He's so fine!" Layla says.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, but I know when someone's fine. Anyway, hear me out..." Layla says, "Jaiden."

"He's not really friends with our boyfriends, though," Celia says, for some reason cringing at his name.

"He talks to them sometimes," she shrugs, "Same rugby team."

"I guess."

"Plus, he's sweet! I'll go get him."

"No, it's-" but before I can finish my sentence, she's already run off to find him.


"Hey! I'm Jaiden!" he greets.

"Uh, hi. Y/n."

"Ya, I know, you're the new girl. Pretty much everyone's chatting about you. You're a real hit with the guys, you know," he says and winks.

"Gross. God, just get what you're trying to do over with before I change my mind!" Becca says.

"Fine, fine. Wandering if you'd give us your number."

I feel as if I can't reject him so I pull out a post-it note and hand him it along with a pen.

"Uh, just write it on there,"  I say.

He nods and smiles.

I'm fucked.


𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 (Rodrick Heffley)Where stories live. Discover now