Chapter 11 | The whole week

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 I sit in my living room, my throat feels so tight as I think about what happened last night. He hasn't answered a single text or even opened them. Maybe his parents found out about the party and his phone got taken off of him? I sigh as I send another text before stupidly tapping call. I sit, expecting to hear his voice but I don't.

It's okay, I'm sure he'll call back later. Something probably happened. I'm probably right. His parents probably found out about the party. I hope he's okay. 

The bruises.


I sit in my bed and I can't help but think about Rodrick. I dial his number but this time it goes straight to voicemail again. I sigh and hang up. I turn DND on because, at this point, there's no reason to have it off. Rodrick's not gonna text or call anytime soon.

I've got school, I should try to sleep.

-*-(Monday/next day)-*-

"What're you doing?" Sabrina asks.

"Rodrick is over there, I gotta talk to him about the project."

"You've seem really off today, N/n, are you sure you're okay? I'm your best friend, you can talk to me."

"I'm fine. Do you mind if I go to Rodrick?" I ask.

"Go ahead."

I walk over to him, "You haven't been answering my texts or calls," I say but Rodrick ignores me and carries on talking to his friends.

I tap his shoulder.

"Leave me alone," I hear him say, "I got your texts and I got your calls! God, do you ever plan on leaving me alone?"

"You didn't reply or return them."

He ignores me and him and he and his friends walk away.

I nod. Sabrina gestures for me to come back over to her but I run off down the hall into the disabled toilet. I  shut the door and crash to the floor. This doesn't feel real. 


I sit in the cafeteria once again, staring off at him. Next, I have English, the lesson we're doing the presentation in. Last night we were supposed to go to his after school and rehearse but obviously that didn't happen. I dig at my food as I stare at him, I feel my eyes tearing up. 

You don't realize what you have till you lose it.

"You okay?" Sabrina asks me, quietly - so no one else in our friend group can hear under the chatter of the cafeteria.

I nod in reply.

"Okay, let me know if you need anything."

The bell rings. I debate going to English class but the thought of Rodrick being awkward as fuck around me is worse than being ignored so, I skip English. I know making Rodrick do the presentation alone is selfish but I don't care at this point.


I stare at Rodrick in English. He's sleeping. It reminds me of the time I was babysitting his brothers. He was sleeping so peacefully. I wish we were on good terms. I can't stand to see him sleeping in class. It makes me feel bad. He used to yap so much in this class, getting us both in trouble.


I try my hardest to avoid Rodrick back, ignoring him in the classes I have with him, switching my usual route to my classes just to avoid seeing him, and sitting on the opposite end of the bench I usually do during lunch so he's not in my eye line. It feels so wrong as we hardly spent an hour away from each other last week.


I call in sick to school and just sit in bed pretty much all day, which is pretty nice. Jaiden suddenly enters my mind. I don't know why I'm still with him. He doesn't like me. I don't like him. I've seen him around Heather Hills. He clearly wants her. Why can't he break up with me already? I sigh as I take out my phone and just send him a text but before I do, I turn off Do Not Disturb and texts start flooding.


Where are you

Why arent you in? 

I told the boys we were gonna kiss in 
front of everyone y/n ur embarrassing

Well do it on monday ok?

Is this because heather told you about me
and her look it was a mistake ik I shouldn't
have done it.

Is this why ur ignoring me


Im sorry.

Please reply



I know i fucked my chance up but please
im not bad 

I shouldnt have done it i get it

Heather means nothing to me


(2 missed calls whilst on DND)


Call me when you get these

Idec abt what u and heather
are getting up to jus keep doing

We're over dont try talk to me at

I change his contact name before I block his number and put my phone down. I don't even care if he cheated. I'm not gonna tell anyone. I did the same thing. I didn't love him, anyway. I don't even know why I accepted him.


𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 (Rodrick Heffley)Where stories live. Discover now