HEY RACER! - mingyu

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— in which mingyu's loyalty to racing is tested when the singer from a band catches his attention

k. mingyu

"what the fuck?" mingyu got up from his couch almost immediately, gaping at his phone.

Y/N L/N of wave to earth
view post.

mingyu felt appalled, no, offended. he was one of the hottest topics in the country. supposedly one of the most hottest amongst F1 racers. the winner of last season. why is a singer he doesn't even know commenting on him out of nowhere?

and come on, he's everyones type!

play interview video ⏸️

"now, y/n, other than being known worldwide, some fans have been fussing over something recently... a photo with you and the prince of F1! could you tell us if this is real?"
"oh no, it's edited! my brothers sent the articles to me and even i was like, who even is this dude? i watched a few clips about him and honestly.. he seems kind of full of himself.."
"aha! many fans seem to think the same! but don't you think he's pretty cute? kim mingyu?"
"mmm.. not my type!"
"well, you heard it here first folks!"

mingyu paused the video. he felt weirdly insulted that this.. slightly good looking singer not only said that he wasn't her type.. but that he was full of himself! she can't get away with this!

curiosity took mingyu over as he began searching on her and her band. turns out, mingyu did like their music, secretly adding some of their songs to his playlists.. and he did think you were pretty. ahem. i mean, pretty mean! no way was he gonna let that slide!

a little later, mingyu's fellow racer friend invited him out to a popular club that recently opened, but had blew up in popularity as celebrities and influencers went there, an extremely high class club.

although clubs weren't mingyu's thing, he hasn't met this friend of his in a while, so he agreed. it wouldn't be hard for them to get in anyway, since they were well known names in the entire country.

dressing up in a nice white, slightly translucent t-shirt, mingyu decided to look nice for once. there was no chance that paparazzi would miss this opportunity to take photos. the boy wore his  classy designer clothes, and even wore his endorsement brand, LV.

coming out in his mercedes per expected, mingyu safely gave his car keys to the chauffeur as he reached the club, his friend walking up to him and reaching to slap his back, earning a groan and a grin from the receiver.

"it's been a while, gyu!" jeonghan smiled ear to ear, his messy long hair still not hiding his smiley eyes and cheeky grin. mingyu chuckled slightly. "you too, han."

as they inched closer to the club entrance, paparazzi that often camped the premises of the club had started taking their cameras out and flashing their camera flashes once the two F1 racers came into sight, making the duo smile at each other, already expecting the attention.

as jeonghan registered the two into the club by namelist, mingyu decided to sign some books and take some pictures with his fans. all was going pretty normal until an excited fan in front of him asked,

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