3 | Errors in your way/s

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Interestingly enough...even after being erased...even after being void, empty, non-existent...
Extreme maybe subconsciously(or unconsciously for whatever reason) just started slowly recreating himself from code in the white space that most would call The Anti-Void, but that's just a hypothesis...

The jacket was the first thing,
the earliest piece of his existence re-created from code of the space he was in.
Of course, this took a lot of time. The second half of the jacket started also recreating itself.
He started recreating his old skull...and eye sockets. And from that point forward... it generally became faster and Sans seemed to get better and better at coding and creating himself back. The last part of it...being his soul. Well...technically not his, as that one faded away just before the NEW soul a being named "Chara" gave him. He has gotten so good that this was technically and practically the same soul from before...just...somewhat glitchy.
His body was finally fully created.
He fell.
And felt agony, it's like he died a thousand times, that's how it felt.

"Nghh..." - Extreme laid in that position for a REALLY long time.

"Huh, where am I?" - he asked, his full body was created.

He looked at the left part of his jacket. Strangely enough, it was blue? And...glitchy?

"Huh?" - Sans said as he touched the glitches.

Suddenly... he felt like he glitched out of reality,the code, the essence of his being traversing throughout the entire multiverse and just ending up in...some strange yellow space. Papers hanging on strings from above. Each seemed different than the rest, one even looked like an eye was looking right at him...

He went around and touched the paper - "What the..." - Sans felt the life-force in it.

At the same time... An ink puddle formed 500 meters away - "Oh, that Error!" - a skeleton with a paintbrush behind his back could look rather funny to an unsuspecting person. - (Wait, who's that near one of the AUs?)
Ink Sans quickly got his paintbrush and shot ink from it. Extreme! Sans was quick to dodge and it hit the paper and the string it was on.

"Woah! Nuh-uh!" - Extreme quickly grabbed the paper, that was now free from the white line that was holding it, and with the other hand quickly pressed on his blue side of the hoodie.

"...He's gone isn't he?" - Ink said.

Sans just started falling from the sky in the white blank void and hit the ground with a loud thud.
"Ow..." - He put the paper in his pocket, then stood up.
But then... Extreme was caught by some strange blue strings. - "What the?!"
He heard a sound of footsteps.

"How many of you Alternative universe TRASH will come barging in into MY Anti-Void?! I fell off my hammock because of YOU!" - the black skeleton yelled.

"..." - The skeleton with red-white eyes was silent - "How many of you I have to destroy so you stop coming? How many universes I have to obliterate?!" - that sentence struck a nerve in the silent.
A universe...

"You aren't very talkative, huh? Well, I guess that's fine by me. " - Error got his strings on the soul...but the soul started to glitch, black rectangles appearing on it. - "what the fu-" the soul's owner's blue orbit started to glitch. It started showing the white text:"ERROR" and leak blue liquid that was the same color as the eye sockets - "Oookay...you AUs always have something to offer, huh?
But I still have you pinned with my strings." Error started tightening them bit by bit and then saw something fall out. - "Hm?"

Error Sans picked it up. A paper...that has ad infinitum potential for the creation of timelines that have life in it. That no ordinary being can rip apart like a piece of paper, because it's not just that...it's An AU.
"...Where could've this guy possibly have gotten this from?"

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