5 | Ink A Deal!

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"This time you absolutely need to do more push-ups than last time." - Error was holding a timer.

Zero spent a lot of time training after the first test. And he was getting better. So Error thought of teaching him how to amplify physical strength, rather than just magical, since it's always useful to have another deck of cards.

The black glitchy skeleton with blues, reds and yellows kept testing where he could end up trough the malfunctioning jacket code of the white skeleton with red and blues. It was sort of like a deal, Zero doesn't mess with him and lets him do whatever he wants and Error trains him and tells him everything he knows, his experiences in the multiverse.

"So...will you finally tell me who that person was? In the...what's it called... "Doodlesphere"?"

Error sighed - "You don't have to keep asking, fine, I'll tell you who that was." - even if he clearly didn't wanna tell, he figured it would be better to do so. - "That guy...is another version of us, but I think you figured. He's called "Ink" by the inhabitants of the Multiverse. And I will dare say...he's an annoying piece of a mistake, just like most, but he manages to go beyond even just that. Let me tell you what happened one time...

I entered an AU, where literally everything and everyone was Jerry. Obviously, coming across such an abomination, I couldn't see it existing, it had to be destroyed.

But... this excuse of a monster came in and started defending it like it's his most precious thing in the world! I summoned a ton of Gaster Blasters to blast his head off, but he dodged that easily. I started giving him a piece of my mind, talking about how disgusting it all is.

Ink started talking as well:"As the protector of all AUs, even the worst ones exist for a reason! I won't let you destroy it!" - He said with such enthusiasm, my eye even twitched.

I summoned the strings, i was mad. I surrounded him with them, they were moving at him at full speed.

But needless to say, "The Embodiment of Creativity" was extremely agile and fast and thus evaded my attacks. He jumped right trough some of the strings, I tried to catch him, but his motion was fast.

He pulled out his paintbrush and shot ink out of it, I leaped out of the way to not get hit.

Of course, it wouldn't kill me...and I only needed one strike to get it done. He was more agile, more fast than me, I just couldn't hit him. I needed a plan, this time was not one that I will let him win.

He shot ink again, I tried to defend with red bones, but their tip easily broke under the pressure, which made me crouch.

I look out from the right side and see how fast he ran from the distance he was once in, he pounced to deliver a kick on me, but I smiled insanely... he fell right into my trap. I hid some strings behind my bones, so when he tried to boot me, they propelled towards him fast, one touch...and he was gone of this reality. I won this fight and I could destroy the AU, rightfully so.

But of course, even with each time I gain a victory and manage to kill him...he comes back a couple of days later, like nothing happened, like he wasn't supposed to dissapear for good after I hit him.

And that's why he's still here I can't get rid of him for sure. Maybe some day."

"Why didn't you just try trapping him somewhere instead of killing?"

"For one, he can just...turn into ink anytime he wants to...and for two, he's not alone and he has friends, companions that will get him out of there. It's not a permanent solution, it's better to just kill him, he will come back anyway."


"Yeah, they're like a team, "Star Sanses" or whatever, Dream Sans, Ink Sans, Swap Sans, just so you know their names.

There's also Core Frisk that exists "everywhere all at once" with their "Omega Timeline" that I can't access.

For some reason it makes me think they don't even consider me a threat, which of course, is somewhat useful but...still."

"That's interesting...are there any...other people that I need to avoid?"

"Oh yeah, Nightmare Sans, but honestly there are a lot of...certain characters you need to avoid. Insane, evil, good, lawful, broken, random, logical and not logical, possible and ones that seem impossible, knowledgeable, and intelligent, and not. You could meet anybody really. I know it can be scary, but just stay with me, you'll be safe. I'm training you to get stronger anyway and you're not one of the ordinary." - He looked at the glitchy malfunctioning jacket.

"Were there any...interesting findings today?"

"With your hoodie? I would say not."

Error opened a portal again - "But what I can show to you...is something else." - Space. It made Zero shiver. - "What, it's cold for you or something?"

"No. Just remembered something." - What he remembered was the interconnectedness of the whole universe that he felt right before the explosion.

"I come here sometimes because it's pretty. The emptiness, its immense vastness, rocks just floating around in space."


Error grabbed two chocolate bars from a portal. - "Yeah. Enjoy this, I'm doing this for you," - He gave one to Zero. - "Letting you intrude into my safe-space."

"T-thanks?" - Zero looked at Error again that started eating the chocolate bar - "The heck?! You have five tongues?!"

"Mmm..yeah, you just noticed? Kinda strange."

"Well, I don't look at you eating!"

"Sure..." - Error went into his thoughts. - ("I do hope this little "game" of mine won't turn into something bad... Wouldn't want another Error around here. But...I think that shouldn't happen and I should stop worrying. This will turn out to be useful by the end.")

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