4 | Glitched Away

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Error, after traversing the multiverse, came back. - "I thought if I went in a second time he would be caught off guard. Tch."

"Who are you talking about?"

Error got goosebumps for a second before realizing who was infront of him. - "Right... I forgot about you." - "Well, none of your business."

"I'll let...you do what you want with my jacket?" - he pointed to it, careful not to touch the glitchy part, otherwise he would possibly get teleported to probably some random place.

"Nice try, I can already do that," - he said as he pulled by the strings and brought Zero closer - "But let's play by your rules. He looks like some type of...artist with his big brush behind his back and ink spilled on his face. Happy now?"

"...that's oddly familiar. I think I've met him."

"Really? In the Doodlesphere? Then we might have some problems..."



"...For some reason I was expecting him to come in right now."

"So you wanted to learn how to do what I can do? Come." - He opened the portal, which gave a view on the rocky hills, the place where the blue-hooded skeleton wanted to see Zero's capabilities.

He pointed with his thumb to the gateway and went in. The red-hooded skeleton looked back to the Anti-Void, even from here the expanse of the pure white hue didn't give an impression of having a border, then he looked to Error, almost like waiting for command.

"Alright, listen closely," - He pointed to the big rock standing the furthest to them, that was bigger than both of them combined. - "Try to hit it with your magic, I wanna see your capabilities first."

Extreme summoned a gaster blaster with purple, red, blue folds. He put both arms up into the air and then suddenly pushed them forward down, almost like he tried to squeeze the energy out from the Gaster Blaster. The laser travelled to the rock faster than a bottom quark can decay.

"Well, not bad. Not the best I've seen, but I certainly didn't expect it from...a person that seems relatively normal compared to the beings that the multiverse can contain. Especially with no prior training. Let me show you something."

Error summoned a bone. Two bones. One of them looked slightly...more strange. He sent them both into air, while both were faster than the blaster that Zero shown, one was absolutely faster than another.

"I think you have noticed it. I concentrated the glitches in one bone and didn't in another, from that alone you can see that it acts as a good amplifier to your attacks. Looking at you...you seem to have some potential of having something similar to what I've shown. Try it."

Zero summoned two bones. He tried to concentrate the code...the glitches...and sent them flying up.

The "bug" bone spiraled out of Zero's control and was moving in different directions... Now it fluttered towards Error's face, not losing its speed. He easily caught the bone. - "Be more careful. You could hit yourself with this and I don't think that's a good idea with amplified speed. Good luck, I'll be back soon." - He touched the blue side of Zero's jacket and glitched away somewhere else.

The skeleton trained for 5 hours. He looked tired and beat up from all the times he couldn't control the attack. But he continued. He tried to get better. He needed to get better. It was his fault that...

Error entered the "stage" - "You look tired. Here." - he threw the second chocolate bar he had brought with him.

Zero grabbed the chocolate and looked at him. - "I...don't think that will give me...enough to restore my magic? I don't...normally train and all, you know?"

"Well, sorry, that's the best I got. I don't really need to eat, I just like doing it. Hm," - He searched trough his pocket. - "Right...Here." - he found a cookie in his pocket. - "I stole this from Epic to annoy him. Not that you know who that is."

Zero shrugged. - "Better than nothing." - he ate the chocolate bar and then the cookie.

"I think...that's enough training for today." - He said as he opened the portal to the Anti-Void again - "Next time I hope you will be able learn to be able to do it with your hands. It will be harder...and more dangerous, but we'll see what happens" - the "glitch" said, as Zero followed him into the "big circular door" that went into pure nothingess.

Error sat on the couch and grabbed some popcorn. - "I honestly don't know why I didn't just watch this without you, you people always interfere." - He sighed. Zero was confused, but understood that he needed to be silent and was just looking at...what Error was looking at. Eventually a window popped up, blue eye sockets of the skeleton widened. "anteriormente en Undernovela..." - "¿Entonces no fuiste tú quien robó a Papi? - Camera zoomed in on Mettaton - Asgore suspiró, incluso si Sins fuera su mayor enemigo, nunca podría hacerlo. - "Yo no lo hice." - dramatic zoom in.

"Entonces, ¿dónde está él?"

"Sins pueden saberlo, pero hay que ser rápido, ya que por fin llegará el día de la venganza!" - dramatic transition. - Eres mi princesa, no te preocupes, nunca te entregaré... a nadie. - Sins exclamó.

1 hour has passed while they were watching the "AU TV". - Error Sans looked on Zero, still eating his popcorn after all that time. - "At least you're better than everybody before that sat here, they couldn't appreciate a masterpiece like this like you, in silence, with attention to the story. Though I am astonished that you like this AU as much as I do. Why?"

"Well...I like seeing
..interesting storylines?" - The red-blue hoodie skeleton explained.


"Is that like a new AU?" - Zero snickered, which caused Error to be annoyed because he just praised him for not being as infuriating as other people he met. Or at least that's what he says about them.

"...Shut up."

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