2 | The Void in your SOUL?

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...Did Chara want this to happen anymore? The "demon" that comes when someone call its name was finally tired of the stuff the Player did all the time, as it realized that it was... all the same.

At first...I was curious, of what they will do.

What else could be after the whole destruction of everything?

They wanted to come back...that's what interested me at first...however, they were unpredictable to me. They were doing the same thing again and again...no mercy, the Genocide Route time and time again, I couldn't see the point.

Turns out that I was wrong about them, it was not about a Supreme goal...They are just wrecked with a perverted sentimentality. How boring.

Perhaps it was time to take some bit of control...to guide them the right way? Clearly just telling them that another route can be done is not enough. Maybe it's time to interfere, just a little.

. . .

Strange... even like a being without its own soul...it seems like I began feeling something other than power.

Other emotions...how is it even possible? As a "Narrator" I could only imitate feelings, but this is different...Is this because of the stolen soul? Or am I just fooling myself because of the boredom? Is it...something else I do not know about? How interesting.

I started reminiscing of the moment that was just a short while ago.

That stupid skeleton...Did I feel...compassion for a monster being hurt? Something clearly isn't right here.

Even though it wasn't much, I'm not supposed to do that at all without my old soul. ...Clearly too much information right now. I should stop. The fact that after not having emotions for so long I start feeling again... it messes with my calm demeanor, hm?

. . .

I looked down and made a "holding a soul" motion.
I gave the Player's soul away. I looked up. I think It doesn't matter. When The Player comes back, everything will be back to normal and the soul will be mine again. Ultimately, does anything matter if it will be just reset back to normal anyway?

I could change that.

But should I, will I, ultimately, will I turn out to be the fool in this game then? I made a small difference here because of the emotion overflow of mine, but let's see what it leads to, shall we, "partner"?

. . .


Chara talked to the player:"...I am obligated to suggest if you want to recreate this world once more."

*♡ Yes * No

"Hmm...You have seen that I am able to change up the events of your game. Perhaps. We should make a deal. I can change up the occurrences a little if you just go for a different path.

Does that interest you?"

Of course, The Player was shocked.
He never has seen something like this happen before.

It almost made him think that the game's CHARActer is a actually real person, capable of thinking. But he knew better, right?

Though, thinking of discovering something new in this game intrigued him...so he took it into consideration. 20 seconds passed.

*♡ Yes * No

"Then let us send the world back to the abyss."

The Game closed.

He tried to open it up again. It seemed like it was loading...and then nothing.

He clicked again. Nothing. Again and again...yet still, nothing happened. No reaction.

The Player sighed and just waited...Tried to fix it by doing something with the files, but once again... nothing worked.

So then he thought of deleting and installing it back. That seemed like a good idea, even though his progress would be lost, he would still be able to play the game.

When he deleted the game...he just thought about it and realized that it just wasn't fun for him anymore. So he will leave the installation for later.

Chara was left alone.

In a void where absolutely nothing existed as even the slightest idea of the game on the computer was erased.

Chara was not however erased... couldn't be with the power it had. Looked into the distance. Not a place and not a soul to be seen. Seems like not even the soul that was given to the skeleton monster helped.

Of course, this wouldn't be a problem for a soulless being if not for...

Chara suddenly felt an overflow of emotions. Sadness, grief, perhaps fear...
Chara's power of determination will not succumb to that however.

Chara sat down, as if there was something to sit on, in a blank space...if someone were to even call it a space at all. It almost looked like memories of the friendship they had have came back with intense emotions. It seemed like "the human" was aware of something else...

Tears flowed trough the face slowly... "Hm...?" - Chara was trying to hold them back, but... it seems like it was not working. Did the demon WANT to feel again?

Looking at the heart locket, it seemed like it filled the mind with memories from a long time ago...
Falling in a mountain, living with the Dreemurr family...

Even after a long time passed...they were still as impressionable as 5 years ago when they just fell, having that slimmer of hope in their eyes bigger and bigger each day since the day of the fall. They read all the time and learned from their mistakes, so they thought of a plan while learning that a human soul can be absorbed by a monster.

Perhaps that plan was destined to fail.

. . .
"I...I know I can recreate the world easily. But it won't be the same world, as I learned...I know... This is why I need to wait, Asriel... for HIM to come back. The Container that cointans the game will also be back ...and you'll be MY Asriel, not some... strange copy, not just an illusion of the real you. I want you, the REAL you! The you I KNOW!" - Tears now streamed down the face, as lips trembled to find the right words to describe the situation they found themselves in. - "Am I the crybaby now? Really funny, is it? Everything...because of me."

"The Angel" laughed and kept laughing. - "just like that time."

"Perhaps it would be best if I also got erased. But I can't...with this burden of mine. I will wait...even if it takes eternity.

. . .

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