7 | MisCoded

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A new "day", a new area for training.

"Today...outside of normal training, you should try learning how to control your teleportation, because quite frankly...it sucks. Who knows where you'll teleport next? A volcano? An underwater facility?"

"I'll be fine, that's nothing." - he said, confident in his abilities."

"That's not the point, it's still unpleasant and who knows where you can end up being. If it can teleport you even to the Doodlesphere and it's uncontrollable... you can end up being erased in some bigger structure that even I have no knowledge of, maybe even outside the multiverse we know of."

"Yeah...I don't know if I can...try this thing. I'll try. But wait, aren't you risking getting erased too?" - Zero said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh...uh...of course I am! But that's a worthy risk. You see...we're losing balance and eventually, we will lose it fully, so having any chance at all at getting there is better than none. And if you were at the Doodlesphere again I doubt you would have enough knowledge on what to do." Error concluded.

"And you know?"

"...Of course I do. I have been here longer than you." Error looked at Zero with a despising look, like he was saying something that should have been very obvious from the start.

"That's...fair. yeah." - Zero said as Error saw him shoot his Gaster Blaster beam at the rock from an even bigger distance than the last training.

And even from a bigger distance, the bottom quark couldn't finish decaying into an up or a charm quark as it was phased by the laser faster than it could.

"Besides even with that power and speed...you don't know what you can meet. And I probably won't tell you, as I don't wanna scare you." - Error said.


It was one of those times. Hunting AUs, trapping Frisks and Floweys, exterminating anomalies... This was one of those. Of course it was one of those.

"W-why are you doing this?" - but the string cut their soul into pieces faster than they could get an answer.

"Isn't it obvious?" - Error looked back onto his fingers, the place from which the strings were stretched out. - "This is interesting, somehow this AU seems...a little too crowded. I think I already killed like...two Asgores, three Frisks and like...five Papyruses? I guess I shouldn't be too surprised with these AUs. They all looked...just a little bit different. Here comes another Sans huh..." - He tried to squeeze his soul, but that didn't work.

"Huh? Why won't you die?!" - He prepared the strings and led all of the the glitches he could muster into one place - the sans that was standing in his way. His eye twitched.

"H̸̠̝̲͈͚̖̦̬̝͒̈́͝e̷̡̺̣̗̗̩̰̩̍h̸̺͍̞̤̱̥͆̎͑͒͌̓̔͆̂͘͘͝, don't you know how to g-greet an old pal?" - as the glitches proved ineffective against him.

"What the?" Error was surprised to not see it working, so he tried again...and again... and then he heard a step in the snow just behind him and he sensed how something touched him fast which made Error glitch for a bit. He jumped forward and turned around in the leap, he saw another glitchy skeleton with red and blue eyes... "NOT YOU AGAIN!" - he yelled as he saw some copies of sanses forming near him, which quickly came close trying to attack. Error effortlessly dodged them which made the "being" that was puppeteering them mad, that tried to talk, but it looked more like... audible emotions than real words. As his eyes turned fully red, he sent out a barrage of bones aimed right at Error.

"Maybe this could be revenge for that time..." - Error thought. - "Don't think I haven't gotten stronger. You're gonna have one hell of a time." - he said, as he sent out an array of his blue strings. The opponent glitched through them without trouble now trying to grab Error's arm. "Not this time." - Error said as he made sure to avoid the grasp of his enemy, which in turn drove "it" even more insane...

"Haha, you seem defeated, really should've exercised instead of...whatever useless thing you were doing honestly, huh?"

It's almost like a trigger went off. Fatal Error finally pasted Error's code forming a being...which quickly became deforming as its size was larger than normal, Fatal quickly tried to tie and fix the being with his red strings.

"What the...what is that?!" - Error was kind of scared seeing an abomination that was supposed to look like himself but tremendously failed at that job. It tried to move forward, which made the standing near it puppeteered Sans glitch out and deform similarly to it.

REDACTED tried to get closer to Error to which Error reacted with strings once again, trying to squeeze it, suddenly glitches and deformation started coming across the blue lines moving fast from point A, where IT was to Error's hands.

Error quickly made them vanish from his hands, as sweat formed on his face. He definitely didn't want to be touched by that, even if he had a chance to not be affected. He skeddadled back once again, but this time he suddenly felt hard ice behind his back and when he tried to go left from it, it just kept forming. He looked to see the monster slowly coming closer, but also...Fatal Error doing something with...code? - "Huh..." - Error tried to put two and two together. - "No way...did he copy this timeline...or even universe? Was I in his creation all this time?!" - He said as the entity finally came closer, trying to punch him, to which he reacted by forming an anti-void portal. He then swiftly closed it again with a move of his hand, which made REDACTED's hand tear off. He made it fall on its own head, almost spitefully.

He pulled himself strings and swung with the trees, above the entity he was running from. He had to do something about this thing... he had an idea, but it also came with a risk of being touched, which he frankly...didn't wanna do. He knew trying to erase the AU would probably not work with how he handled his glitchy energy...and would probably just make it stronger due to its nature.

He swung near the entity, causing it to swing its hand at him, which he managed to dodge, he felt a bone fly right near his cheekbone, which hurt him this time. "Of course in a time like this do I actually get hurt...But it's fine, as my plan is still in action!" - He said as he opened the portal right in its head, making it fall. However...red strings formed in there, forming a new head for it to "survive" that attack. He sent out REDACTED's head onto Fatal Error, but he ducked.

"I could send him into the Void...but I don't know how it would react to this guy or if he can travel between the AUs too...Seems too risky..." - Error thought, as he had to evade the attacks of both now and he had no choice but to do so - "He didn't summon another copy of me...it could be that he's limited to one... or he's playing with me...But there's a chance and I need to take it."

An ink puddle formed nearby.

"Woah, Error is that you? And...him?! Interesting, interesting! Seems like an AU randomly appearing and seeming all...digital and glitchy can be cool after all!" - Ink couldn't contain his happiness.

"INK?!" - He sighed. - "I know we have our differences, but could you help me trap this guy?" - he pointed to Fatal.

"Hmm...let me think for a bit...No!" - Ink declared. - "I will try to contain this strangely looking like you thing, it seems cool!"

"...well, at least that's something." - He swung by, knowing teleportation wouldn't work here. He sent a ton of bones and a gaster blaster, making sure not to power them with glitches much. Fatal Error leaped up, trying to grab his arm again.

"Ha! Idiot." - Error formed another portal and sent him out into the Void. Trying to cut him in pieces with those would probably prove ineffective if it didn't work on his creation.  - "Hopefully... that will rid me of him for a while since it's an entirely different structure, it would be harder to form portals. Assuming that, this AU should dissolve by itself soon, without its source of power." - Error looked to Ink fighting the THING. - "Well...I won't be able to help in any way. I guess I'll go and wait."

Error "imagined" himself outside, thinking how dangerous it would be to touch and...just waiting. Seeing the paper finally disappear made him sure that Fatal Error probably couldn't get out for a while but it also made him question though...would REDACTED disappear as well, if it's based on his code? Will it survive?

...And I probably won't tell you, as I don't want to scare you.

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