11 | Corrected by Science

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It was a rather mundane day for Zero and Error...that is if their training could even be called something out of the ordinary of course. But over the span of a really long time Zero pretty much got used to it.


The power of glitches is that strange, somehow it can affect you on a whole another level, it can increase your strength, it can make you more durable or not get any damage at all, and it can make you faster and more agile. In fact, you could say that these glitches could make up their own power system, the more you have, or the more concentrated it is, the stronger the effect of these calculated malfunctions is. So how can something like this even work? How come that being an impure being, an Error, comes with its own set of rules and opportunities?

Some assume this is all because it happens in a state nearing one of the elementary particles, the quark.

If this were to be true, it can be said that it operates on a subatomic level, this would explain how it's able to make someone more resistant, swiftness could easily be explained by this too if we consider that magic energy disperses around that level because of the nature of the ability.

But this hypothesis can never be truly tested and confirmed, mainly because Errors tend to avoid contact with those who want to research them and their nature. Who knows how many more secrets does this power hold? All that I know for now is that it will be hard for me to conduct more research.

It is easy to just say "It's just magic.", but actually trying to learn the properties of something can prove essential in the future. What is magic, if not science waiting to be discovered?


And once again...after the training Error went on to touch Zero's jacket, to try his chance... and disappeared completely.

Zero got confused for a second, but subconsciously he knew exactly what that meant...but he decided to wait. It couldn't be that, right? He sighed, realizing there was no other way something else happened...either Error's dead, got trapped somewhere somehow, or... the worst-case scenario. He didn't trust Error for a long time now. Him getting to the Doodlesphere someday seemed both impossible and inevitable, but now he's in the future where the inevitable happened and he was once again at fault for everything that happened. Zero punched the "ground" of the Anti-Void out of frustration, cracks forming. He was surprised for a moment, but realized...if Zero could harm emptiness, then Error absolutely could destroy everything in the Doodlesphere with enough effort and time...but he had the strength to fight back against Error. From what he knew about the glitch system... it will take time to concentrate enough energy to destroy something containing the Multiverse. He toughened up, he still had time, the fate of the Multiverse really did depend on him at this moment...he will fix his mistakes...for once in his life.

Zero remembered the talk with Line. He has a tracker on. Alone... Zero hasn't conquered the mastery of portals, now realizing that could've been something Error didn't teach him on purpose. But he had a friend.

He sighed and used his jacket, teleporting into a random AU. He came into the Sans' lab, grabbed some tools, and started trying to feel anything unusual, concentrating. Operating on an invisible device? It all went by his feelings now, he couldn't make any mistakes, otherwise... his only signal with Line would be forever lost...and the fate of the Multiverse would be doomed. This device took advantage of how your magic works with clothes, by covering everything. If it disguises itself as a part of clothes, it wouldn't ever seem unusual and would survive any attack that the wearer survives, because of their magic. So now he was concentrating on keeping it inside his aura, feeling it and its contents, and glitching the screwdriver to operate on it all at the same time.

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