17 | Saneness

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A black cocoon out of negativity dissolved... Cough cough the skeleton fell unto his knees, only his hands holding him from falling on the floor. "What, you can't survive even a little time without air?"

"Ghh...you know, teleporting me when I'm hardly breathing is not the greatest *cough* thing to do." Murder sounded like he inhaled dust just a moment ago.

"Tch...You and your physical needs...Nevertheless," Nightmare stood with his two hands open, just as though trying to show the greatness of the castle that stood before them. "Welcome...to my kingdom."

"The hell...? What am I supposed to do here?"

"Oh, not hell yet." He smiled. "But it can be."

"...I am not afraid of you, especially not after this miniscule attempt at intimidation. When will you make me go back to my own timeline?"

"Heheh...then be not afraid. As I said...you don't have enough EXP to go back yet."

"It doesn't matter. Let me out...NOW." Dust pointed at Nightmare. "That is an order!"

"What, were you like a royal guard to give someone orders, lazy bones?" Nightmare chuckled, Dust was unsatisfied with that answer...anger clearly showing on his face.

And...in an instant, Dust summoned Blasters, which shot directly at Nightmare, Nightmare walked backwards, just to get pierced by bones from below.

"Heh, don't you know not to underestimate your enemy? I will get to my timeline...even if I have to kill you."

"Right..." Nightmare was behind Murder already, Murder jumped back, was he not expecting something like this? "Didn't you learn from the past ti-" Nightmare was cut off.

Murder smiled. "Oh, didn't I?" Murder was already prepared for this and placed a skele-bomb. The bone bomb blasted Nightmare to bits, but Nightmare recollected himself from these bits easily. Dust tried to shoot him with Gaster Blasters again.

"Normal light cannot hurt me. You would need something more specific..." Nightmare talked arrogantly, Murder felt that he was not considering him as a threat.

In a blink of an eye, one of the tentacles was so near his torso, that he could only react with his instincts, a bone impaled it...but it did not care that much, keeping the momentum, ready to spike through Dust. Murder's forehead perspirated, he managed to react faster from adrenaline and teleport away. "I cannot even stop it in its tracks?!" Once again he summoned attacks on Nightmare. When suddenly... Nightmare was once again behind him. "How did-" Dust only managed to think, before he was slammed into the ground, his breath ran out. He tried to stand up, but his limbs didn't want to move...at all. Through sheer force of will...he managed to climb on his knees, he started readjusting his stance, putting his weight on one leg, trying to stand up again.

Nightmare kicked Dust to the ground. "Don't you realize...your determination is as worthless as you are? I gave you a belief...that you can defeat me, by running into your attacks ON PURPOSE." - Nightmare kicked Dust in the rib. - "You are all so easily manipulatable..." He kicked him again. Red liquid oozed out of Dust's side, his pain was starting to get unbearable. "Who do you think killed them? Were you really the one in control?"

"What...are you implying?!" Dust was in an outrage, a red eye flashed bright through one of his eyes.

"Nothing much, hehehe... You-" Nightmare turned around just to see a punch flowing through the air, the difference in speed now and before then was vast. Nightmare barely caught it with his hand, which made air make a crack sound out of the sheer speed of the punch. The wave made Nightmare's eyes close for less than a second, making some of his "slime" fly out, Dust saw this and took his chance, trying to kick him in his side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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