10 | Meeting Again

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Two months have passed. It was time...
Now...how do I play this along?

"Hey, Error. Could you teleport me to OneTimelineTale?"

"...what?" Error just finished watching Undernovela.

"You know...i wanted to test if a thing like that really exists!" A sweat fell from Zero's face.

"Uh...I see. Of course that exists..." - "(Should I really waste my time trying to find an AU like that...? He still believes that I'm very experienced in everything...this should convince him enough.)" - "I'll be back in a second."

Error spent a ton of time on trying to find it. Luckily, it wasn't AS hard as it seemed to be, he did actually have some    experience...it was mostly luck though.

He then came back to the Anti-Void. "Come on now. I'll show you what you wanted." Error opened a portal to the AU.
Zero walked in, all surprised. "Huh...Thanks. You really are experienced in this stuff, huh?"

"Yeah, don't talk about it." Error smiled crazily. "Let's go now that that's done, huh?"

"Huh..?! Wait!"


"You...know I have to make sure it's one timeline, right? You can go if you want."

"Hmm, I can stay."

"I mean, I could try to see what type of timeline this is, try different foods! I think you could just go, as you met this timeline before, didn't you? It will be just far too boring and you could make use of the time!"

"Hmph...you're right." Error exited trough another portal that he made...right next to the portal that he created previously. Both closed simultaneously.

"Now how do I do this..." Zero imagined himself outside... and started tempering carefully. "Hopefully that will be enough."
Zero grabbed a snack from some random store there and started waiting...
"Cookies with chocolate chips...My favorite. How lucky..." He heard a rustle...turned around to see nothing. He sighed, turning back...TO SEE Line's face right INFRONT of him! "?!" Zero fell backwards from the bench he was sitting on. "Ow..."

"Why are you lying? It doesn't hurt." Line smiled mischievously.

"I didn't think you would actually be able to find me..." he stood up. "I'm glad to see you again honestly."

"Haha, really? Well, i guess you need to draw a line between good and bad to meet me more then!"

"I...do want to. But I don't know if I should."

"I don't see why you shouldn't."

Suddenly Zero heard another rustle...it could be from this AU's resident, but he had a bad feeling. "Quiet." Another rustle.

"Come out!"

"Heh, alright. There's no point already. I've seen you talk to someone."

"You did?" Zero hid Line just behind him, hoping for him to stay unseen."

"I mean, you wouldn't talk to yourself now, would you?"

"Have you been spying on me?"

"Again, is it that bad to spy on you when you have no experience, you haven't seen what monsters there are...and I don't mean it in a normal sense...I mean it in a human sense."

"Ugh...If I really am in danger I can  always use my jacket."

"I told you not to use it much. It's a risk. You make me wanna kill you just for disobeying my words...but we're friends, won't you say? How about you show me who is behind your back?" Error tried to get around to see, but Zero followed. "I'm not playing games." Error quickly opened a portal to see behind Zero, his strings ready to grab someone...


A sweat fell from Zero's head. "See? I told you."

"Huh...that's strange. Are you just going insane then? Eh, I don't care enough then. You can keep talking to yourself."

Zero turned around again after Error left. ...hm. Three minutes passed as he was staring into the distance. Was he actually just going insane? "Hey, what're you staring at?" Line's voice brought him back to reality.

"...So you were real. How did you manage to..."

Line sighed... "I'll tell you. There's a Science Sans that makes gadgets for me. One of them made my magic sounds go silent for some time, I teleported into a place I know I won't be caught in and then left the AU for a bit."

"Huh...that sounds cool. I want to meet that Science fella."

"Well, only Not ScienceFell! And fun fact...Science is also the reason why I could find you. There is actually a tracker on you. It is too...invisible, it's easier to do on objects than on living being's magic however, so that one was one use...he isn't coming back hopefully. I'm telling you this because I believe we will actually be friends. That guy...seems like a bad company."

"Heh...how naive." Zero almost got a tear in his eye. "You remind me of someone. But yeah, i do wanna meet more people...a person like that would be cool. You could say I'm getting a gain by meeting with you again, huh?

"Haha, yeah! But seriously...i won't say to get rid off of your friendship with that guy, but please... watch out."

"Yeah, I got it..."

The silence went on for almost 15 seconds.

Thwn they talked for a long time...probably.

"I'll see ya later!"

"Yeah, bye."

Zero checked around if someone was watching...no signs of that. And even though that didn't necessarily guarantee that Error didn't come back to listen for more, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Some time passed and he looked back at the bench...now seeing parts of his cookies on the floor. "Oh, right." He went along to grab more, to eat them until Error went back to get him to the Anti-Void. This time...maybe he has a better ally...and a friend. He decided to relax for a while.

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