16 | Omni's Will

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Science entered his house and sighed. This was a very long day for him. He made some tea for himself. Did he even like tea? He didn't even know...if only he could understand himself nowadays. Suddenly he saw a figure standing in the room that was not yet lit up.

"Huh...? Who are you?"

"Finally, you noticed me. I am Omnipotent! Sans. My purpose here is to tell you...I am from the future and I need your help. "

Science's eyes that was filled with some fear now lit up with excitement, but that was again quickly replaced by fear. Frankly, he didn't know how to feel. "Then...you must know how to prove that you're telling the truth?" Science smiled, but he was still wary to an intruder.

"Indeed. I will predict the future. In 20 days, a cup of coffee will stand nearby, files will get knocked over, the closet door will be open, as..."something" will happen."

"Yeah? I don't believe you at all...and aren't you like...omnipotent? Why do you even need my help?"

"...that's just my name." Omni's face didn't show any emotion, even from a situation like this. "And now...I will wait in the Inn when you're ready."

As he worked in his office he thought... "I just didn't make coffee today... that should be it. I will be able to confidently say he's a liar." He sighed. "I should go out for a walk. I am spending...too much time worrying about this. He's just a crazed...oddly similarly-looking to me madman...Okay, I...need a break." He stood up and walked out in Snowdin. The frosty wind made it a little better somehow. He had already forgotten about the thing he had been worrying all day about...why was he even worrying...? Was it that knowing that something like this is possible is scary enough? Is it that bad of an idea that even more things could be out of his own control? That any time...theoretically anything could happen?
He came back to work...to find a coffee cup on his table and...files lying down on the floor. And all of this was topped off by a literal fire! "What the actual...Happened here?!" Sans yelled and then saw some monster inside his lab. "How did you get in?!" The monster...Jerry quickly ran out...why does he always have to be the center of our problems?!

However...there was coffee at the table.
Science briskly thought about how that happened... the building was burning, he couldn't waste a single second there.

The fire extinguisher was in the...closet door of his house. Of course. He quickly teleported to it and then froze up. Wasn't that... what Omnipotent predicted...should he just...stop and not open the door and let...everything burn but not follow the odd future that this action would open up? Of course not! He opened the closet door, took the fire extinguisher out, and suddenly smiled. "Right...I can just close the door!" He slammed the door hard but made sure it didn't open back. He teleported, now grinning, he put out the fire, moving fast enough to try and stop the flames before they reached the point where the asphyxiator's usage would be a lethal deal. Luckily, it seemed like the blaze wasn't that big, even if it seemed like it should've been already. "The future...is in my hands." He threw the fire extinguisher on the floor as if he was proclaiming his victory...Science walked back to his house and sighed with relief. He saw his brother run with a comically large bucket on his head?

"Woah, that must be draining, bro."


"Don't worry bro, I already dealt with it."


"So...you were running back and forth or something?"


"heh, you're right. you're so cool, bro."


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