12 | You reap what you sow, broski.

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"Who is the one to control the stability of each single alternate reality? Who is the one that can provide a divine judgment upon those, whose destiny fell victim to another?  Who will close their eyes and ignore their emotion to do the job they were told to do? Do not answer, as that was a rhetorical question." The figure in their dark black robe was sitting down.

"I am Reaper...the Sans that was created to fulfill a purpose." Reaper looked around as if he was searching for the answer...maybe he was mocking someone. He then sighed.

"I can see everything of what happens anywhere. Looking over tiny dots of life as death...That is my job as the concept of darkness for this Multiverse. Sometimes I also have to look over the God Realm, as even the tiniest of conflicts can cause immense damage to the dimension below.

All of that is needed...to keep the balance of everything that exists. That is my job. I will fix my mistake like this..."Zero" eventually, it is only a problem of when. Your virtue...and your determination, Zero. You have gained respect of demise itself.

This, however, won't free you from any kismet that comes your way...I can only recognize your heart, yet I will not interfere and cannot get in the way of nature. If I need to kill you...I will.

What more can I say about you? You sure are... an interesting being. Somehow, you were able to open a portal first to my realm and then a realm not accessible and not able to be seen even by me...by a piece of jacket? I don't understand where you could have gained such abilities... but this type of nonsense is prevalent. So of course, being stronger than me is not impossible by the standards of the multiverse, I have met and spectated on a lot of entities like that...but you have also done something I have never seen before... I reaped your soul. I have felt that you were fated to die because of a certain someone's anger and despair, I took you to the realm of the dead, like I did with everybody else who was destined to meet their demise.

But hmm...now...I see you being perfectly fine. Now I don't even feel the fact that you were fated to die on that day. How did you manage to do this? Did you somehow manage to change your fate? It's like you're a whole other being with a whole another fate...If you were a stronger being than me or could revive, your fate wouldn't be written like this, would it now? But as I said... you really are... different. You know, I am supposed to be the absolute end, I wouldn't need to come if you weren't to die for good and forever. And yet...

What an anomaly. But you do not seem dangerous to the normal state of being. You won't help Error anymore, will you?
And without that, even with the strength that he has shown, he will be rendered useless." Reaper concluded. "What will you say about me to Line? Will you tell or keep quiet?"

From the world below...Zero looked like he was about to open his mouth to say something.
Line almost cried, he was kinda emotional in this moment. "I was really worried! Please, do not do something like that again."

"Hey, it's not like it was my fault. I didn't know that he still had a trump card over me. Although that probably was more out of desperation, I didn't know he would guess that I would get rid of the energy, that's smart of him. But I should've expected that, huh?"

"He did spend a lot of time with you..."

"I hope I can spend more with you as my friend though!" Zero smiled and patted Line on the back. "This time I know your actions aren't that of malice like Error's were...you just want to be my friend, don't you? Not any deep evil goal that I can be used for?"

"I do not know how I managed to come back again...but you need to be sure I won't waste this chance!
Oh and by the way... did you see someone that looked like-" Zero was interrupted.

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