Soft, Zesty, Gingersnaps

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Draco was caught off guard, his mind having been on expelling thoughts of his father, when Potter began asking him about what he was going to make.

It wasn't the first time that Harry had done this. It had happened one other time, back during their first week stuck together. But this time felt... different.

"So..." Potter meandered around the small kitchen, watching as Draco continued to retrieve ingredients. "What are you going to make?"

Draco hesitated for a few moments, confounded by the situation. For some reason, treating him with the same coldness as he did last time seemed to no longer be an option for him. Not after he had so stupidly let his guard down the other night. After a moment, he decided it wouldn't hurt him to let Potter in on his activities. Besides, mayber it would help him further get his mind off things. And, today's recipe was on the simpler side: Soft, Zesty, Gingersnaps.

He showed the open page of the recipe book to Potter, voicing the name. "The church will be able to enjoy these with their tea."

Potter turned to the recipe page, looking at it intently, but Draco could have sworn he saw a smile overtake his face. One that he wiped away just as quickly as it came. Draco blinked and turned away, putting his focus on finding all of the tools and vessels he would need.

"It's a good thing you'll be bringing them tomorrow," Potter said.


"They won't have a dessert with their tea."

"Well, I'm not the only one who brings pastries-"

"You're the only one baking. Everybody else buys pre-packaged market desserts."

Draco turned to look at Potter, who had a sincere look to him. Draco struggled to find a response.

"Er, No... Vanessa brings custard."


Draco wasn't going to tell Potter that he knew Vanessa's custard was from an instant mix, which would make Potter correct. He was uncomfortable with where Potter was going with this whole thing. Was he being... nice? And was Draco liking it?

"Well, even then, I doubt custard takes as much effort as this."

Draco was stunned.

"What I'm saying is, I really like these nice things you do."


"Er, thank you."

Potter smiled again, and this time, it wasn't wiped away.

Draco caught himself entranced by the way Potter was looking at him. He shook his head promptly, turning to begin making the gingersnaps.

The two of them didn't speak much while preparation occurred. When Draco had formed the dough, Potter asked if he could shape the cookies with him, and Draco found himself saying yes without knowing why. Draco was still caught up in the moment earlier and was unsure how to handle Potter acting this way.

Draco watched as Potter rolled up his sleeves, taking a portion of the dough. As Draco watched, he couldn't help but notice how muscular Potter's arms were. He had to force himself to tear his eyes away, focusing his attention back on his work. Where did that thought even come from?

"How does this work?"

Draco looked down, noticing that Potter had begun working the dough in a very strange way.

"Oh- no. Don't do that, you'll make it all crumbly. You need to do it like this."

He walked around to Potter's side of the counter, reaching over him and guiding his hands in the correct manner. Potter seemed to tense up a bit, but soon relaxed, allowing Draco to teach him.

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