Chapter Eight

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Link's pov

The street is dark and some of the houses have boarded up windows. I broke into a few to try to find supplies and now I'm just wandering. I don't have an idea of where I'm going. I'm alone and there's nothing else to do except wander and break into houses looking for food.

I hear a rumbling noise in the distance that's getting closer. Shit! It sounds like a military truck. I turn and run in the opposite direction. I've been avoiding them. They shoot you whether you're infected or not.

The street is suddenly lit up and I hear incoherent yelling but my legs keep moving. Adrenaline courses through my blood. I don't want to die. Not like everyone else. Not like her.

Bullets hit the ground next to me, flinging up gravel and I stop. I can't outrun bullets. They would have shot me if they wanted to. I turn around with my hands raised above my head. I'm blinded by the headlights and I can just barely make out shapes with guns as they jump from the truck.

"Don't shoot!" I yell in a shaky voice.

"Get on the ground!"

I drop to the ground on my stomach and see their heavy boots as several soldiers surround me. One of them presses the muzzle of his gun against my temple, pushing the side of my face into the pavement. Is this how it's going to end? I squeeze my eyes shut and my chest moves rapidly. I've been alone and scared for months and now I'm going to be shot by the military.

"Have you been bitten?" one of them yells at me.

"No! I swear!" I feel something press against my neck and a quick pinch follows. I see the glow of a green light through my closed eyes. What the hell was that?

"Captain!" They haul me off the ground and I keep my hands up. They're shaking violently and all I hear is my pounding heart.

I open my eyes finally and see another man approach me.

"He's clear sir."

The man stands in front of me. He's shorter than me but about as stocky as a bull. He looks me up and down before speaking.

"How old are you?" he demands.

"Eighteen." I can't keep the fear out of my voice.

"You alone?" Completely. My eyes sting as I think of who I lost


"Hm." He looks me over one more time. "Welcome to the army, son."

I suck in a sharp breath as my eyes pop open. I'm still leaning against the counter. I don't remember falling asleep. I can't fucking do that.

Zelda is sitting as far from me as possible, eating something out of a can. I need to eat too.

"Hi," she squeaks. "I didn't know if I was supposed to wake you up."

"Always wake me up," I growl. I can't sleep when it's just me and her now. She doesn't know how to keep watch like Impa...

I push Impa out of my head. People die all the time and the best thing is to move on. She would've done the same had it been me.

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