Chapter Forty-Three

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Zelda's pov

The skyline of Seattle lies before us. After weeks of fighting to get here, it doesn't feel real. And a glance at Link doesn't calm me like it usually does.

He swallows hard, staring at our destination with unease. "Last chance to turn back."

I shake my head even though he's not looking at me. It's more for my sake than his. "We're already here." I step ahead to my new future.

We walk side by side, his hand resting near his holster, ready to draw a weapon. I reach for his right, lacing my fingers in his. He squeezes my hand. I never want to leave his side. We'll be safe here. Link won't have to leave or kill. He'll stay with me. We could be happy.

"I'm glad I took this job," he says suddenly. "I know I said I didn't want to but I'm glad I did."

"I'm glad you did too."

"You gave me something to live for. I haven't been loved in a long time and you reminded me what it was like. You made me feel less like a monster and more human."

"That's a lot of words for someone who doesn't like to talk."

He stops walking and stands in front of me, his expression nothing short of pure seriousness. "I'm not kidding. I wanted to tell you in case I didn't get the chance to."

"Don't say that. It's going to be fine."

"It might be." He kisses me before I can respond, his mouth moving against my lips desperately as if it's our last kiss. "I love you," he whispers after pulling away.

"I love you too." His sudden confession and kiss did nothing to calm my nerves. Am I making a mistake not listening to his instincts? I could just be uneasy from the trip. But this is going to be different. It's going to be safe here. Father wouldn't bring me here if it wasn't.

The way his head swivels as we approach the city reminds me of when I first met him, when he was quiet and terrifying. I didn't know what to expect from him and now I do. He kills without question. He's quick, brutal, and merciless. To protect me. I can always expect him to protect me by whatever means necessary.

"Kneel with your hands on your head!" I jump at the sudden commotion and whip my head around as we're quickly surrounded by what looks like the military. They have rifles and uniforms the army wore before the outbreak.

Link puts his hands behind his head and I do the same. "Get Rhoam," he says calmly. My father.

"I said get on your knees or we'll shoot!" Shoot? We're supposed to be here!

"You don't want to shoot. This is his daughter." A few of the soldiers share glances at each other like they weren't expecting us. Wouldn't they know we were coming?

"Call the boss," one of them instructs and another gets on his radio. He's in charge of the military as well?

The first soldier steps up holding a small device I've never seen before. "We still need to clear you."

"Is that necessary?" Link asks. The nervousness on his face is unsettling.

"Sorry. It's protocol." The soldier comes up to me and pushes my hair off my neck. "It's just a pinch." He presses the device to my neck and a small pinch follows. The screen on the device glows green.

Link shifts his weight as the soldier moves to him next. If this is checking for infection like I think it is, he might show up as infected when he's not. He flexes his fingers slightly. He knows it too.

The soldier presses the device to his neck and all hope is gone when the screen lights up red and it beeps frantically.

"Fuck," Link says and grabs the man's head, slamming it down on his knee to knock him out before he can shoot him.

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