Chapter Ten

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Songs for when it switches to Link:

Everybody Gets High- MISSIO
Darkside- grandson


Zelda's pov

When I wake up, we're still moving. I don't remember stopping last night to sleep. I blink a couple times, confused as to why I'm so comfortable until I realize I'm leaning against Link and not the hard car door. I sit up quickly and rub the sleep from my eyes. I didn't mean to fall asleep on him. It was kind of nice...

I rummage through my backpack to avoid an awkward silence and nibble on the rest of my jerky while looking around outside. We're driving through a small city. There must not have been a way to avoid it. Link stops the truck after turning onto another street and I look ahead. The road is blocked by cars but it looks oddly intentional. He turns his body around and backs the truck up to go down a different street. Something feels off like we're being watched.

"Link?" I look at him. I can tell by his face that he knows it too.

I face forward again, feeling more uneasy than before. Link is always sure of himself and now he knows this isn't right.

A seemingly injured man comes stumbling out from behind a car, waving us down. My heart seems to stop. None of this is right.

"Link," I say more panicked than before.

He pulls one of his guns. "He ain't evem hurt," he says and hits the gas, driving straight at the man. He dives out of the way before Link hits him and yells something. Bullets hit the truck and I drop my head down. No no no! I can't do this again!

"Drive!" Link shouts and lets go of the wheel before shooting out the window. I lift my head just enough to see ahead and hold the wheel steady. There's men aiming at the truck and I shriek when bullets crack the windshield.

I don't see the spikes in the road until it's too late.

The tires pop and the truck spins out. I try to grab Link as we crash through the wall of a building. I crack my head on the dashboard and everything goes dark.

"Come on! Get up!" I barely recognize Link's voice as he drags me from the truck. I stumble out, not being able to focus on the spinning ground covered in chunks of brick and dust. Something warm and wet is running down my temple. I touch it, my fingers coming away red.

"They're over here!" an unfamiliar voice shouts. I back up and trip, falling backwards. Link is already over me, trying to pull me back up.

"We have to go!" he yells, his voice sounding quieter than it should. He turns around and I see another man. Link wrestles him for his gun and is thrown to the ground.

I snap out of my daze. "Link!" He lifts his head only for the man to raise his rifle and hit his skull with a loud crack. He falls back to the ground, his eyes closed with blood seeping from the cut on his head. What if he's dead? He can't be dead. He can't be!

Someone grabs me from behind when I try to get up and I flail my arms. "No!" I scream. A dirty hand covers my mouth and I bite down as hard as possible.

"You bitch!" the man holding me shouts. He throws my unsteady body back to the ground and I turn around just before the rifle hits my head.

Link's pov

I'm slumped forward when I start to wake up. Waves of searing pain radiate from my forehead. This fucking sucks.

I try to move my hands, feeling rough rope around my wrists. My hands are tired behind my back. Shit. I finally force my eyes open and find myself in a chair. Great. I look around the room after lifting my head up. It's empty except for a table with my stuff scattered on it and there's a man by the door. He opens it and says something to a person on the other side before closing the door again.

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