Chapter Forty-Two

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Zelda's pov

Every night for the past week, I've woken up from nightmares, Link always there to bring me back. I remember how the blood felt as it hit my face. It was warm while my fingers were frozen. Reality twists in the dreams, making me laugh as I hacked at his face when I was actually screaming and my fear turned to excitement. I wake up nauseous and crying, needing Link to reel me back in. It takes me too long to recognize him.

"Did you hear me?"

I snap back to reality. "Sorry. What'd you say?" He's walking slightly ahead on the highway full of abandoned cars. The snow melted and the temperature is actually decent today. I don't think I could ever like snow again.

"I asked if you'd want to learn how to play the guitar."

"Oh. Maybe." I kick a rock. "You know how to play?"

"Why else would I be bringing it up?"

I shrug to myself. "I don't know. You didn't seem like an instrument guy."

"You didn't seem like a freak either. Looks like we were both surprised." I'm glad he doesn't see how red my face gets.

"How far are we from Seattle?" I ask, changing the subject.

"We'll be there tomorrow." Why don't I feel excited? I'm going to see my father again. I should be running towards him, not doubting my decision to keep going. It's because of what Link said. He was unsure, a trait that doesn't suit him. If he's having doubts, then so do I. I only hope we're both being foolish. Father will listen to me and he won't go back on his promise to Link.

I follow him towards the off ramp, not paying any attention again. I only watch his boots as he walks ahead of me. I'd bet he has knives tucked away in his boots too. Both his rifles are on his belt and he has a pole sticking out of his backpack. The end is tinged a rusty brown. He already killed with it only he kept it this time when he'd gotten rid of that crowbar after he killed that man. I thought he was barbaric, ruthless, bloodthirsty. I was never supposed to understand. I felt the need for revenge when I killed David. He deserved to die and it was my privilege to kill him.

I walk directly into Link's back. If I didn't know it was him, I might have thought I walked into a wall. He turns around, looking at me like I'm stupid.

"I'm like a foot taller than you and you didn't see me stop?"

I take a step back. "You're not a foot taller than me. And I just wasn't paying attention."

"Obviously. Anyway, I thought you might like to explore." I finally look at where we are. A zoo. A massive one at that. A smile breaks through my gloomy haze.

"What happened to 'we're on a schedule' and 'you're such a little shit'?" I say, doing my best to imitate his voice.

"I don't sound like that and you are a little shit. What happened to 'I just want to take a peek'?" He copies my voice now, the high pitched tone sounding nothing like me.

"I don't sound like that either," I laugh.

"Sorry just let me–" He clears his throat. "I just want to take a peek. Please?" He thickened the British accent and I cover my mouth as I laugh. He smiles too. His smiles are rare and I stare at him, my heart melting.

"You shouldn't hide your smile," I blurt.

"Who said I hide them?"

"I've watched you keep yourself from smiling."

"There's just not many things to smile about anymore."

"There is too," I argue.


I bat my eyelashes. "Me."

"Whatever you little shit. We're climbing that gate." He walks to the gate and I laugh at my own joke as I follow him.

He grunts as he climbs. I know he's still in pain even if he won't tell me.

"Come on princess, now isn't the time to be dainty." He heaves himself over the top and jumps down.

"I'm not dainty." I climb the gate, struggling a little as I pull myself up. He made this look easy.

I hop off the top like he did, landing on my feet first before falling over.

"The princess has fallen on her ass," he mocks with his hand out to help me up.

I take his hand. "Shut up." I yelp as he yanks me up, making me run into him. With his hand flat, he compares the top of my head to his chest.

"Yeah like a foot. What's it like being a midget?"

I smack his chest. "You sir, are mean."

"Sir? Usually it's bastard, jackass, son of a bitch, motherfucker–"

"Okay I get it." He smiles again.

"Let's see what animals are in here."

We walk around the overgrown paths, only seeing small animals like bunnies and chipmunks that scurry away when we come close. The pens seem empty but I'm all too used to things lurking just out of sight.

"What if there's a lion?" I ask, not too excited about the possibility of being eaten by a large cat.

"That'd be cool as fuck." It would not be.

"What if the animals are infected?"

"What if you tried being quiet?"

"What if you tried being quiet?" I mock

"I do know how to be quiet," he says in the British accent again. It doesn't mix well with his Texan accent.

Rustling comes from the trees above us and my head snaps up. Monkeys. "If they throw shit at me, I'm shooting them." I smack his shoulder. How obnoxious could he be? "I'm serious, I'm just warning them."

We keep walking, making it to another overgrown area with tall trees. I was hoping we'd get to see something a little more than a monkey.

From behind a large tree and massive bushes perfect for hiding, a large brown spotted animal comes out. A giraffe!

"I want to go pet it!" I run away from Link before he can protest. He appears next to me as I hold my hand out near a leg. He touches the animal without hesitation, running his hand over the short fur. I'm not used to him being so gentle.

"Weird ass horse," he says under his breath. I shake my head while petting the animal myself.

The giraffe, who was munching on leaves, looks down at me. "We should name it," I say excitedly.

Link looks down under the giraffe and cringes. "Well, pick a boy name."

I wrack my brain. "Joel."

"Joel?" I nod. "Alright then."

A smaller giraffe joins the first and after a quick check, I determine that she's a girl. "I'm naming her Ellie."

"The most random names for giraffes."

"It sounded right."

We keep wandering, finding no sign of big cats or infected animals. I can't help but feel this is my last day of freedom. I don't know what Seattle is like or if Father is the same as he used to be. I'm not the daughter he remembers; what if he's not the father I remember? 

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