Chapter Thirty-One

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Zelda's pov

I go to bed early, trying to sleep away the heartbreak. It doesn't work like that. All I can think of is him. His hands on her while I can still feel them on me. How he ran to her. How he kissed her.

Urbosa put me in one of her empty houses. She offered to let me sleep at hers and as tempting as it sounded, I decided I'd rather be alone. Once I layed down though, I realized maybe that wasn't such a good idea. All I can do is imagine Link in bed with Mipha, not thinking about me at all, not thinking about how he broke my fragile heart. I was told he was heartless. Why did I think I could fix him? Why did I foolishly think he could be capable of loving me?

When the door creaks open, I refuse to flip over. I know it's him.

"What do you want?" I snap when he doesn't say anything. I can feel him in the room even if he's too quiet for me to hear him.

"I need to talk to you." I scoff. Since when does he want to talk? "Please–"

I sit up and glare at him with my bloodshot eyes and puffy face. "What? Want to tell me about your night?" He's been gone for hours. With her. That can only mean one thing.

"I didn't sleep with her if that's what you mean." It doesn't matter if he didn't. He still kissed her. In front of me. "I was looking for you. Urbosa wouldn't tell me where she put you."

"Because I didn't want to see you," I hiss. "How did you even get in?" I locked the door in case he did decide to come looking.

"I picked the lock." I should've known a lock wouldn't stop him if he was determined enough. Obviously he was.

I get out of bed and grab my backpack. I'll just go stay with Urbosa. That way he can't bother me. At least I would if he didn't grab me when I tried to walk past him.

"Let me go," I snap. He does but now my legs won't move. I shouldn't want to hear what he has to say.

"I'll leave if you ask but listen to me first." I drop my backpack and take a step back. "I don't want her anymore but I do want you. And I'm sorry. I wasn't...I don't want to hurt you." I try my hardest to keep my grip on my anger as it starts to slip away. He still kissed her. He's still broken. There's nothing left for me.

But what if there is?

"If you changed your mind then I'll leave. You'll be safe here and you'll never have to see me again." He takes a step closer. "Tell me to leave and I will but don't think I won't get on my knees and beg first."

Part of me wants to make him beg. I want to see how far he'll go to get me. But I already know how far. He'll burn everything that keeps me from him.

Against all better judgment, I want to forgive him. He's crazy. Immoral. Insane. Maybe even evil.

And I kiss him anyway.

He smells like soap and I notice he's wearing different clothes than before. He took a shower before he came here.

His hands grab my waist and I drape my arms around his neck, shuffling as close as I can to him to feel my body pressed against his.

He backs me up to a wall and I gasp into his mouth. I let my hands slide down to his chest and hesitate. I want more. I want him.

"Let me fuck you," he whispers.

I look up at him with wide eyes. "W-what?"

"I want to fuck you." He leans down and kisses my neck, gripping my hips and waist each time his hands land somewhere new. "Let me show you what it's like." My heart pounds. This is what I wanted isn't it?

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