S1E1: Ninja within the shadows

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The screams of the people, flames coming out of people's homes, streets cover in bodies as we see Y/n standing in the middle of death all around him. His blade still holding at his hand as he looks down at it to see it dripping blood as it lands onto the ground.

Suddenly he heard something in front of him so he look up to see a women running out of the burning building. While running out she tripped and fell. Y/n make his way towards her as she slowly gets up on her knees and looks over in horror as Y/n approaches her.

His mask cover his face as she looks up at him with fear in her face as she begs for him.

Female civilian: (fear) Please! I beg of you! Don't kill me! Please!

He started at her in silence as deep laughter can be hard behind him, a familiar laughter which was his guild master as he look down at her. Tears running down her cheeks as Y/n continues to stare at her for a moment and then he rasied his blade up into the air and over to the woman.



He swing his sword down however we see his blade missed inches away to her as she slowly open her eyes and see that he missed. He remove his blade from the ground and stared at her.

She then begins to get up and ran away. He didn't go after her he just watch her run off and disappeared within the smoke as he stood there alone as he turns and disappeared within smokes of flames.

(5 years later)

It was a nice and bright day at a peaceful town where we see the citizens within the town enjoying their time and peaceful lives. Children play together and adults doing their work as we take a look at a bar where we see men drinking and having some fun time.

At the far back of the bar we see a cloaked Y/n sitting alone and just eating his food when a drunk guy and his friends stumble over to his table and the drunk guy slammed his hand onto his table.

Drunk guy: H-Hey you (hic) there. What are you doing sitting (hic) here all alone? Come and drink with us.

Y/n takes a glance at the group and then turns back to his food and continues eating calmly while the drunk guy gets mad and pushes his food off the table which broke and shattered.

Drunk guy: (angry) Hey! (Hic) I'm talking to you! (Hic) If someone is talking to you then you respond! (Hic)

Y/n: Sorry but I believe I do not know you. Anyways I believe you owe me an apology for your rudeness.

Drunk guy: (angry) Huh? Why should I?

Y/n: Because I was eating and minding my own business. You came up to me and bother me for no reason.

Drunk Guy: (angry) How dare you! Who do you think you are!?

He then gets up and walks pass the group and make his way to the bar tender when the drunk guy gets really made and grabs him by the shoulder.

Drunk Guy: (angry) Your such an asshole! Not having fun! Why do you even come here!?

Y/n: Because its a public bar. Now leave me alone.

Drunk Guy: (angry) Or what? Come on fight m-

Suddenly he was struck in the stomach by a invisible force as he then collapses onto the floor and was out cold. His buddies arw shocked as they look up at Y/n and he give them all a glance and they immediately step away from him.

He make his way to the bar tender to pay for his meal and once that he left the bar and make his way through civilians and people having a normal day.

He then walk pass something that made him stop and turn. He sees a wanted poster of him placed by the magic council however it has been years and everyone including the council thinks he is dead.

Fairy Tail x Op male ninja reader: A dark ninja of Redemption Where stories live. Discover now