S1E2: Salamander

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On the train we see Y/n inside the train and sitting near a window as he glances out of the window and watching the nearby oceans. He sat there in silence, thinking about something when Happy ask him across from him.

Happy: You okay Y/n?

Y/n: Oh don't mind me. Sometimes I think while travelling. So you sure this is where we find this Salamander guy?

Happy: Yep. According to someone in the guild Salamander have been spotted at Hargeon.

Y/n: Odd that place isn't usually a place where wizards hang out in. Why would Salamander be there?

Happy: Who knows. Thanks for tagging along.

Y/n: (small smile) Don't worry, I'm always there to help. Besides I can't allow Natsu to be in this state while on the train.

He points at Natsu laying on the floor between the two this whole time, shaking and feeling like hell as Happy nodes I agreement. It has been a week since Y/n join Fairy Tail and he has getting along with the guild members he usually hangs out along at the library of the guild.

Soon the train arrives at Hargeon and makes a stop at the train station. Y/n helps Natsu get out of the train and sat him down on a bench where Natsu let's out a sigh.

Natsu: Thanks man. I owe you for that.

Y/n: It's no problem. So any clues where Salamander is at?

Natsu: No clue. Wherever he might be must be here.

Happy: Or maybe he's already gone and we're too late.

Y/n: Don't lose hope guys, I'm sure he is here. Here's a plan we split up and look around, if we find him, we'll meet up back here with him okay?

Natsu: Cool.

Happy: (smile) Aye.

And so they split off as Y/n enters the town of Hargeon and searches for Salamander. He has no luck what so far however along the way he discovered a magic store which he decides to enter in case he is inside.

Once inside there was not too many people here and Salamander was not here so he was about to turn and leave when he heard.

???: What? You get to tell me this is the only magic store in this entire town?!

He turn to see a young blonde woman at the front desk with the store owner as he explain to her that this store is the only one. He decided to hang around and overhear their conversation as he browse through the store while the owner try offering the blonde woman other things but she said something that catches his attention.

???: I came here to see if there is any gate keys available.

Y/n: (thought) Gate keys?

Store owner: Oh gate keys Huh? Well luckily for you I have it.

He shows her the gate key which gets her exited so then she ask.

???: (smile) How much?

Store owner: (smile) 20.000 jewels.

???:......I'm sorry but how much?

Store owner: I said 20.000 jewels.

He sees that she didn't have enough cash of her so he came over and place his jewels onto the table and tells the owner.

Y/n: Here. I'll pay for it.

This surprised the two and once that he turns and leaves. He was walking away from the store when the blonde woman came out and rush up to him.

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