S1E3: Fairy Tail number one

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Natsu breaks through the ceiling surprising everyone in thr room as Y/n tells Bora while having his blade at his neck.

Y/n: Him. His name is Natsu and now we are ready to teach you all a lesson.

However when the ship move to the left Natsu feels sick and collapses onto thr ground which dumbfounded everyone.

Y/n: (thought) I forgot he has motion sickness.

Natsu: Man this stinks.

Lucy: Your so lame!

Then Happy is seen at the open hole with wings on his back as he calls out.

Happy: Hey Lucy and Y/n! What are you two doing here?

Lucy: Happy these people are kidnapping innocent women. Wait, since when you can fly?

Bora sees this direction and immediately turn and goes for a punch but Y/n leaps back and land on his feet as he sees Bora and his men ready to fight them as he ready his sword.

Y/n: Happy take Lucy out of here right now!

Happy: Aye! Hang on!

Y/n: And Lucy! Catch!

He tosses something towards her and after she catch it she is surprised to see her Celestial keys and that Y/n catches them before they hit the water.

Happy take Lucy away while Bora sees this and in rage turns to Y/n and tells him.

Bora: You're going to regret this.

Y/n: No. It is you and your gang that will be regretting. Using magic for selfish acts and selling them to the Black Market. I will not allow that!

Bora: (smirk) And what will you do? Since your other friend is out its just you and us now. Your outnumber.

Y/n: You are correct but skills outnumbers all.

He then exploded into smoke and covered the whole room. Bora and his men were blind and not sure where he will attack but one by one he strike at Bora's men within the fog and when Bora turns around his men was out cold.

Bora then snap his fingers and use his purple flame magic to find him but he couldn't.

Bora: (thought) Where did he go? How can this be possible?

Immediately he get strike within the fog and punched as Bora finds it difficult to find him. Then he get a kick in the face and he crashed through the wall and rolled onto the wooden floor.

Bora slowly gets up and look over only to see Y/n coming out of the fog like a ghost as he slowly make his way towards him while Bora is terrified to see how powerful he is.

However Bora keeps his fear inside and launched a powerful attack at Y/n but quickly he cuts his attack in half which shocked Bora.

Bora: (shocked) How is this possible?!

Y/n: Give up Bora. You can not win this battle.

Bora: Never!

Y/n ready himself and before he could he felt a sudden wave and he turn and sees a giant wave heading towards the ship. Bora is shocked including the rest of the crew. Immediately Y/n stabbed his blade onto thr floor just as the gaint wave hits the ship and it sent the ship crashes at the shores of Hargeon.

The ship was wrecked by Y/n came out from the rubble along with Natsu as he shake his head while he stood up.

Natsu: What the heck was that?

Y/n: It must be one of Lucy's Celestial spirits. I can feel a Celestials magic was nearby but now its gone.

Natsu: Well glad we're back at shore.

Fairy Tail x Op male ninja reader: A dark ninja of Redemption Where stories live. Discover now