S1E5: Friendly company

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It was a nice at at Magnolia and we see Y/n inside the Fairy Tail guild Hall and sitting down at a table alone and reading a book that he brought. He reads peaceful while he blocks out the sounds of other guild members around him talking and making loud noises. At the bar we see Cana watching him as she takes a drink while she tells Mirajane while she came up to her.

Cana: (smirk) Guess he likes books.

Mirajane: (smile) I think its cute. I wonder what he is reading?

Cana: Meh I really don't much care about the book. I care about how handsomely good looking he is. I bet what's underneath those clothes.

Mirajane: (giggle) Well I did see him training in the forest a while ago and he is pretty skilled. He is shown to be one of the most greatest fighters we ever have. Plus I like how cute he is.

Cana: (smirk) Hhhmm make me wonder how easily he blushes.

Mirajane: Who knows.

We cut to Y/n continue reading when three guild members came up to him.

???: (smile) Hi there.

He turn to see one female member and two male members as she introduced herself.

Levy: (smile) Sorry to disturb you but I believe we never met. My name is Levy and these two are my team.

Jet: (smile) I'm Jet

Droy: (smile) And I'm Droy.

Y/n: (smile) Greetings you three. I actually saw you at the board earlier looking for a job.

Levy: Yeah there was this book job I wanted to take on but Natsu already took it.

Y/n: Oh yeah I remember seeing him and Happy leave the guild with a job request on his hand.

Levy: Yeah. Anyways what are you reading?

Y/n: Oh its nothing important. It's just a soft romance book. The main character is relatable as he struggles of the sins of his past while falls in loves with beautiful woman.

Levy: (smile) Aaww that sounds sweet. I too like books as well.

Y/n: That's pretty good. Actually I did notice you and Lucy talking about books.

Levy: Yeah we are both book nerds huh.

Jet: No way Levy your the best!

Droy: Yeah your very smart when you read books.

Levy: (smile) Thanks you two.

Y/n: Out of curiosity what books do you read?

Levy: Oh I research ancient history and knowledge of Earthlands history. You never know you stumble apon something that you must study about.

Y/n: (smile) That is true. Knowledge is the true weapon of winning any battle.

Levy: (smile) Yeah exactly. It's not always brawns that wins battles it's the knowledge inside your head. Hey there is a library if you want to come with me?

Y/n: You sure?

Levy: (smile) Of course. Maybe we can read together.

Y/n: Well if you say so.

Levy: (smile) Trust me it will be fun.

While that is happening Cana and Mirajane were watching this play out as Cana then tells Mirajane.

Cana: Looks like Levy is making her first move on him.

Mirajane: (smile) Yep.


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