S1E9: Eisenwald strike (Arc 4)

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We see Natsu and Happy flying over the train tracks in hopes to catch up Erigor before it is too late.

Happy: You think we should wait up on the rest?

Natsu: They will catch up soon. Besides I wanna fight him.

Happy: I have a feeling you just wanted to fight Erigor.

Natsu: Yeah got a-

Suddenly there was a explosion of wind that nearly sent Happy and Natsu fly away but they hold themselves and they see and battle going on far from them as they see two figures going at each other.

Happy: It looks like Y/n beat us.

Natsu: I can see that. Well time to join him! Let's go!

Happy: Aye sir!

The two fly towards the battle all awhile we see Y/n quickly dodging Erigor's attacks him with his wind attack as he cost destruction to the tracks. Y/n quickly dodges his attacks and then Erigor came down fast ans swings his scythe at him but he dodgesing his quick swings before he clash blades.

Then Erigor quickly blasted Y/n with a powerful wind magic but he move out of the way and then he breaks free from the blade lock and then kick Erigor back as he stumble backwards.

Then fog appears surrounding Erigor but he just smirked and pushes the fog away with his wind but the fog returns the second he did it. Erigor has no choice but to fight him in the fog as he sees dark figures moving around within the fog. Appearing and disappearing as Erigor ready his scythe.

Then he immediately turn and lands a strike at Y/n as his  body was cut in half.

Erigor: (smirk) You can't beat me!

Then the split bodies turn into smoke and circle around Erigor confusion him and then Y/n appear behind him with his body attached as he dashes towards Erigor and kicks him.

Erigor stumble forward while Y/n does a back flip and throws his Kunai at him which he dodges but one knock hid scythe out of his hand and fall into the dark pits below.

He growl in frustration as he turn to Y/n while he ready his blade as the two stare at each other. Suddenly Natsu came out of the fog and fire punched Erigor in the face and sent him flying towards Y/n which he dodges as Erigor lands hard onto the ground.

Natsu: (smirk) What's up! Did I miss anything?

Y/n: Not really. You came just in time. Mind we deal with this together?

Natsu: (smirk) Always.

Erigor: (gets up and turning to them) You will die here! No one cannot stop me!

He then performed a storm mail which blasted Natsu, Happy and Y/n back but quickly he throws his Kunai tied up to a rope and throws it to thr ground and catches Natsus hand.

Y/n: Hold on!

He and Natsu then leap off the edge and fall but the rope catches them and they swing below the bridge and under the other side as Erigor turn and both Natsu and Y/n strikes a blow at Erigor.

Natsu blasted him with his dragon roar while Y/n immediately vanished and appear behind Erigor who is flying towards him as he ready his blade and when Erigor gets a bit closer he immediately turns around and land a few slashes as Erigor rolled onto the tracks and lays there as Y/n turn as Erigor slowly gets up.

Erigor: (angry) You will regret this!

Y/n: We won't allow you to kill masters of guilds. Your plans is ruined.

Erigor: Never!

He then blasted the two with a powerful wind magic but Y/n stabbed his sword onto the ground and make his stand as the wind continues to beat him.

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