S1E8: Eisenwald strike (Arc 3)

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Y/n stood there while Erza stare at him waiting for an answer since she told him who he was in the past. There was a moment of silence between the two and after a while of silence he sighs and tells Erza.

Y/n: It is true I was once this dangerous assassin but I didn't choose that path. I was force to be through with that path by my master. He wanted to have a most powerful assassin so he took him and brainwashed me to be his assassin. However after a while I realise the actions that I was doing and betray them. At first I wanted to be left alone however Makarov found me and offer me to join his guild. I accept and....here i am.

Erza: I see. Have you told anyone?

Y/n: No. They don't know. I wanted to but I'm afraid what they will say. If they would even see me as one of their own guild members.

Erza:........ I understand.

Y/n: You do?

Erza: I know it is hard for someone with a dark history to tell someone about.

Y/n: I wanted to make things right. The lives that I have tooking all these years ago......I felt nothing but guilt. I wish to redeem myself and set things right. I know you may not trust me now Erza but let me ensure you that I am completely on your side. I will never turn my back on Fairy Tail.

Erza stare at him and then she reach out her hand towards him which surprised him. He look over to Erza and to her hand and then he takes it and the two shake hands.

Erza: Alright then. If you wish to earn my trust then you must proof to me you can be trusted.

Y/n: I understand. We should-

Then he senses something wrong and looks over to the high window so he leaps over and he looks through and his eyes widen in shock as he land on is feet and run off.

Erza has a feeling something is wrong so she follow and they made it on the balcony and she is shocked that there was a massive wall of wind blocking them and she realised they are within a tornado created by Erigor.

Erza: (shocked) What is this!

Y/n: This was a trap.

Erza: What?

Y/n: This might be a bunch but I don't think he wasn't gonna target this town. Why else did he created a tornado blocking our way?

Erza: True but what is his true plan?

Y/n: We have to find everyone else. Maybe they found something.

Erza node and they race inside and they run through the hallway and then they turn a corner and come across Gray.

Gray: Erza! Y/n! Glad to see you two.

Y/n: Gray where ie Natsu?

Suddenly there was a explosion not far from them so they follow and they see Natsu as he just beaten Kageyama. They climb up the steps and once up Erza places the tip of her blade at his neck which terrified both Natsu and Kageyama.

Erza: What is Erigor planning?

Gray: He's targing the guild masters!

Y/n: What?

Gray: This was all a trap! Erigor wasn't planning to kill everyone here, he's going to kill the guild masters.

Natsu: That's crazy!

Y/n: (shocked) My god he's right. The next stop is Clover Town. That's where all the guild masters are being held!

Natsu: (shocked) Then what are we waiting for! We need to get over there right now!

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