S1E10: Eisenwald strike (Arc 5 final)

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There was a massive rumble that shook the ground follow by a massive roar as all the guild masters ran away all awhile a massive monster of Lullaby appears towering everyone as Y/n and everyone watches in total shock.

Then Gray grabs Kageyama by the shirt and demands to know.

Gray: What did you do!?

Kageyama: Hey I didn't know this would happen honest! Erigor never told me about this!

Y/n: He's telling the truth. If I am not mistaken Lullaby is a living being that was created by the book of Zeref.

Erza: You mean one od the most powerful dark wizards created Lullaby?

Y/n: Indeed.

Lucy: So what should we do?

Y/n: We must not allow it to unleash its power. We have to destroy it.

Natsu: (smirk) No problem. I can just burn that thing into ashes.

Erza: We need to defend the guild masters.

Gray: I'll worry about that.

Lucy: Right while I'll stay here.

Happy: Your just scared aren't you?

Lucy: (angry) Shut up!

Y/n pulls out his sword and then immediately disappeared and then he appeared in the air in front of Lullaby's face as Lullaby goes to land a strike at him but then Lullaby's hand is sliced off and falls to the ground as Y/n dashes Lullaby and stab it in the neck.

Lullaby let's out a roar while Y/n drags the sword across its neck while Lullaby tries to get him off but then Natsu punches him with his iron fist costing it to stumble backwards.

Y/n continues to slash at Lullaby until Lullaby use its other hand to swipe him away as he was sent flying but he throws his Kunai that stabbed into its neck then he noticed a hand is coming his way so he dodges and stabbed his sword onto its hand as Lullaby swing its hand around, trying to get him off.

Soon he leaps away and then Lullaby begins to charge up its magic attack and then shoots out a beam directly at Y/n but something blocked Y/n and he sees it is Erza in her new armor which looked amazing as she blocked Lullaby's attack.

Then the two land on the ground while Gray and Natsu battle Lullaby.

Y/n: So not only you can requip to your weapons but also armor? That's interesting.

Erza: (smile) Thanks. This is many of my armors. This one is called Heaven's wheel armor.

Y/n: (smile) Interesting name. I like it.

Erza: (smile) Thanks. Then they soon noticed all trees ans plants are dying and they look and see that Lullaby is about to sing which Erza is extremely worried but Y/n isn't.

Y/n: (thought) Wait for it.

Lullaby begins to play but there was nothing but poorly wind coming out which stunned everyone.

Erza: What happened?

Y/n: I knew that Lullaby will try to use its song to easily kil us so I target its throat and made some holes so it will be impossible for it to sing.

Erza: (surprised) Incredible thinking Y/n!

Y/n: Thanks but it looks like Lullaby is mad.

Indeed it is as it turns to where Y/n and Erza are at and charges up its magic beam and fired. But the two moved out of the way quickly as the beam destroyed most od the forest while Y/n enter the road as Lullaby directly target Y/n as it tries to crush him but he moved out of the way many times.

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