S1E12: What's on the second floor?

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It was the afternoon at Magnolia and we see Fairy Tail as some of its members are leaving to go home. We see Y/n helping out Mirajane clean up the guild and once they were done Mirajane hand some a drink which he accepts.

Mirajane: (smile) Thanks for the help.

Y/n: It's no problem. I'm glad I can help.

Mirajane: (smile) Your so kind.

He smiled and takes a drink and then he looks up at the second floor and then ask Mirajane.

Y/n: Mira can I ask you something? What does anyone not allow to go on the second floor? What is up there?

Mirajane: On the second floor is where we kept the S-Class request jobs.

Y/n: S-Class request jobs?

Mirajane: Yeah. The job request we have down here are more suited for those who wants to gain experience while the S-Class job request are those who go on extremely dangerous journeys. It take one person 5 or 6 years to complete and the jobs are dangerous. Those who completed it will get a bigger reward.

Y/n: Incredible. For fars I can tell Erza, Laxus and Mystogan are the only three S-Class wizards correct?

Mirajane: (smile) Yep. Although I used to be an S-Class wizard.

Y/n: (surprised) Really?

Mirajane: Yeah but it's a long story. Right now there are three members in Fairy Tail that are S-Class wizards. The only way for a wizard to be an S-Class wizard is to take part of a trail. This trail will determine if they are ready for the S-Class title and the jobs they will take on.

Y/n: That sounds like a challenge.

Mirajane: (smile) Indeed but when the time comes you might be picked and maybe an S-Class wizard.

Y/n: Either I pass or not, at least it would be an honour to be apart of the trail.

Mirajane: (smile) I know you'll win.

Y/n: I also want to talk about Laxus. He acts selfish and prideful. I have no offence towards him but he's kinda a jerk.

Mirajane: Yeah although he wasn't always like that. He used to be a different person many years ago.

Y/n: What changed him?

Mirajane: Best not to ask that. It maybe personal.

Y/n: I understand.

He finishes his drink and then he begins to leave.

Y/n: I guess I'll head out. See you in the morning Mira.

Mirajane: (smile) Goodnight Y/n.

He nodes and leaves while Mirajane smiles as she is glad that she can talk him and can't help but blush a bit.


Y/n walks through town until he arrive at his apartment and soon he enter his room. Once home he took off his clothes and jump into a bath.

We then see him sitting on a bath filled with warm water as he is cleaning himself. After that he sat there and relax as he looks up at the ceiling as he thinks about the S-Class trail.

Y/n: (thought) I'm I even worthy of that title? After what I've done? I can't heelp but feel like if I completed my trail and because S-Class.....would I feel honoured or shamed.

He was the most powerful assassin in his previous guild and the guild masters most elite assassin so he was an S-Class wizard until his betrayal. However would he feel honoured if he was given the S-Class title again?

Fairy Tail x Op male ninja reader: A dark ninja of Redemption Where stories live. Discover now