S1E11: Judgement for a former killer

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It was a nice day at Magnolia and we see Y/n sitting on top of the Twilight orge Building as he meditating. He have his eye shut and can only hear the wind blowing by, some citizens talking and other things.

He was forced that was until he heard some cheering. He opens his eyes and looks over to the Fairy Tail guild Hall where the cheering is coming from.

Curious he decided to see what is going on. He vanished from the roof and then appeared in front of crowd of people which he walks through and soon he gets in front of the crowd only to see Natsu and Erza battling each other.

At first he was confused until he remembered that Natsu wanted to fight Erza after they dealt with Eisenwald.

Gray: Hey Y/n, over here!

He looks over to see Gray, Lucy, Elfman and Mirajane as he came over to them and stood with them.

Y/n: So how long have they been fighting?

Gray: Only a few minutes.

Elfman: Come on Natsu! Show her what a true man you are!

Lucy: I bet he's gonna lose.

Y/n: I believe Natsu does have a chance although Erza might get the upper hand.

Gray: Might be. I bet Natsu wants to fight you as well after this.

Y/n: I just simply decline.

Gray: Why not?

Y/n:.....I refuse to fight another member that is from my guild. I worry I may harm them.

He looks kinda concerned when Mirajane take his hand which he turn to her.

Mirajane: (smile) No need to be afraid. You don't have to fight anyone here. It's not like we fight each other by force.

Y/n: (little blush) R-Right.

Mirajane smiled while Y/n blushes more while Lucy gets a little jealous. The battle continues on for sometime and everything was fun when suddenly they heard.

???: Stop this now!

Natsu and Erza stop fighting and everyone turn to see a female frog along with four magic council guards as the female frog explains.

Magic council employee: If I have everyone's attention I came here by the magic council for a important job.

The Fairy Tail member were surprised and confused at the same time when she goes on to explain.

Magic council employee: We came here to arrest one of your members for crimes against the council. Y/n L/n, you are under arrest.

This shocks everyone including Y/n and thinks everyone will turn on him but to his surprise Natsu stood up.

Natsu: (shocked) What did he do! He didn't do anything wrong!

Elfman: Yeah! What gives you a right to arrest him without any proof!?

They all begin to argue towards her and the magic council guards were about to stop this when Y/n called out.

Y/n: Stop everyone! Its okay. I'll go with them.

Erza: But Y/n.

Y/n: It's my choice. Don't worry.

He walks over to them and they handcuffed him and soon take him away with everyone being stunned of what just happened and hope that he will be okay.


Y/n arrived at the Magic council Head quarters and we see Y/n beening taking to the court where he will be trailed. He was stripped frok his weapons so he will attack them so he can escape.

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