I don't need Love - Prologue

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First off, I have a bad history with men...

Well okay I have a bad history with women too...

Okay lets face it I have a bad history with people.

My childhood....... Not so great.

I have no friends.

And i'm a foster child....

*Flash Back (10 years ago)*

"DAD STOP!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "LET GO OF HER!!!" I yelled as I stood in the entrance of the living room.

I had just gotten off the bus from school, my best friend Alicia and I had been planning a sleepover at her house for this weekend the whole ride home. My sister Mary was already out of school for an hour or so more than me so she was already home by the time I get there everyday, but she also started an hour before me since she was in high school.

My dad had his huge arm wrapped around Mary's neck and her flawless face was turning purple, the same color purple as her finger nails. Her dark brown curly hair was knotted and messed up. This was not what a 7 year old wanted to see when she walks into her house after a long day of first grade and planning sleepovers.

He muttered something into her ear, turned to me and smirked. "Aubrey my darling go to your room until dinner, Mary is okay, we are just playing." He said totally calm.

I looked Mary straight in her deep brown eyes and what I saw was fear. Mary was not okay.

"NO!" I screamed running into the living room and ran straight towards dad, attacking him with my little fists trying to get him to let go of my big sister. I knew it wouldn't work because he was such a large man, he was 6ft 5 with a lot of muscles. I punched something hard in the pocket of his light wash jeans, it hurt my hand. I started to reach for it but before I could grab whatever it was. I was flying through the air and landing hard on our fluffy white carpet that didn't feel so fluffy anymore.

I couldn't breath.

I heard someone gasp from behind me I turned slowly and I saw Mary's eyes become filled with anger. She started struggling to get away from dad to come and help me. But she suddenly stopped struggling and stared at something behind me, then her eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning.

I turned around.


Mom's brown eyes were wide with fear as she slowly started to back up out of the doorway. What was the matter with her, why isn't she doing anything to save us! She was married to my dad for god sakes! Why wasn't she telling him to let go of Mary? I was still trying to catch my breath when I turned back around to my dad. I saw what had been in his pocket , it was now aimed at my mom.

He had his left arm wrapped around my sister's neck and in his right the gun. He looked like he would pull the trigger at any moment.

"William honey, what are you doing? Are you having a flashback? Try to snap out of it. You need to think about this, you are a great father, and you love your three children, you have your family and friends and I know that you don't want to lose them. Put down the gun William and let go of Mary. Can we please just talk about this? Don't do something you will regret..." My mom said trying to calm down her husband. She pulled her long brown hair to the side and tried to look brave.

"Daddy! Please!" I said as loud as I could with no air.

His soft green eyes were now black and filled with hatred, those were not his eyes. His grip hardened on Mary's neck, he was going to kill her if he didn't let go soon. He took a step forward to mom, a sweat broke on his forehead. He moved his shaking index finger ever so slightly that it didn't seem like it was going to do any damage. But I was wrong.

Everyone in the neighbourhood heard the shot.

My mom stood frozen for a moment unfazed not realizing what had happened not feeling the pain. But that moment didn't last long enough. She quickly looked from Mary to me and chocked out "I love you." before collapsing in a heap on the floor, her long hair spreading everywhere's and her eyes rolling back into her head, never to unroll and see the world again.

All I could manage was a whisper. "I love you too mom."

I heard a thud from behind me. I hadn't gone into shock yet but was still recovering from the kick, so I managed to turn around; Mary was on the ground gasping for all the air she could take in. The gun was on the floor next to her, my dad was standing frozen in his place looking horrified.

I didn't expect what happened next.

Just like mom did he looked from Mary to me but he didn't say I love you like she did. He just started muttering nonsense, and then he ran, he ran straight out of the living room jumping over my mom's limp body, then straight out the door without looking back. I some how found the strength to make my way to the window to watch him leave us.

I couldn't move my eyes, I just watched as the scene in front of me played out like it was a movie on the TV.

I saw him run across the front yard straight into the street. He stopped and turned around staring at our blue semi-nice house. I saw him mouth 'i'm sorry', and before he had a time to turn and continue running, a 18-wheeler moving truck came barreling down our 15mph street going about 50mph. Dad only had time to look at the truck before it was too late, the truck didn't even stop, it just kept going like nothing happened, leaving what was left of my dad behind.

"Hello 911?" I heard my sister say from the other room. She sounded like she was hyperventilating. "My mom is dead! My father is now dead also," ...she must have seen dad out the kitchen window... "and I was almost chocked to death and you want me to stay calm?!" She screamed into the phone.

I turned from the window suddenly remembering my mom. I ran to her and collapsed on top of her. I took a moment to look at her face, the middle of her forehead was bleeding. I cuddled my head into her chest wanting her to hold me, make things better. Tears started drowning my face all I could see was the blur of my mom's dead corpse beneath me .

I slowly went into shock my thoughts taking me over with guilt and regret.

I didn't save my mom or dad, now they are both gone.

I didn't have my mom anymore.

She would never tuck me in at night anymore.

She would never help me with my multiplication tables.

She would never sing again.

I didn't even notice when I was being pulled off of my mother by the police.


In the hospital that day I swore I would never love anyone again except Mary, so I wouldn't have to feel the pain of when the love stops and splits you in to a million pieces. I felt like Humpty Dumpty.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the King's horses, and all king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

*** Flash Back over ***

My brother never returned home from his friends house that day, he left with no explanation, the only contact I had with him was a birthday card every year.

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