I Don't Need Love - chapter 3

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(Aubrey's POV)


Louis lost his cool then, he looked furious.

"But I try to avoid them so they don't hurt me that much." I added quickly.

Louis' sea green eyes changed from furious to sad, "Aubrey they don't hurt you that much?" He stood there for a moment and looked at me. "Okay I will tell you what, you can come back to my flat and stay with me for the night so you are safe and I can also make sure those disgusting pricks don't come and get you."

He really did care about me, or at least he was acting like he did. I was going to agree to stay the night at his flat because I really didn't want to face my foster parents but suddenly I remembered. "Lou I can't stay with you, I have a plane to catch in the morning and all my luggage is at my foster parent's house." I pulled my printed ticket out of my pocket to show him.

"Shit, I also have to catch a plane in the morning. Wait are your foster parents taking you somewhere?" He asked concerned.

I was surprised to hear that he had to catch a plane too, he was probably going back to England since that's where I am guessing he is from because of his British accent. "No I'm going by myself because I'm going to live with my sister in London.” Wow, I had never told anyone about my sister and where she was but Elizabeth.

"How are you getting to the airport in the morning?"

"I was going to call a taxi. Why?" He was confusing me right now.

He pulled me from where we were standing under a tree in the park, over to a bench and sat us down. I looked up at him and he had a wild grin on his face that was quite cute but a little scary. "I have a plan." He stated. "Is your foster parent’s home far from here?" He asked.

"No, it is right down the street." I pointed in the general direction of where it was down the street.

"Alright that's great, my flat is close by also except in the other direction. Does your door have a lock on it and is it on the ground floor?" He asked still grinning wildly down at me. This must be one heck of a plan he has got up his sleeve or he just really likes freaking me out.

I hesitated. "Yes?"

"Great! Does it have a window?"

"Yes?" I was becoming more confused by the second.

"Great! So here is the plan I'm going to walk you back to your foster parent's house and make sure you get in alright without getting hurt. Then once you are in I want you to run as fast as you can to your room and lock the door behind you. Once you are in the house safely in your room I'm going to run back to my flat and get my car..." He paused for a moment and looked at me to see it I was understanding him and then continued. "...I will drive back to your foster parent's house and help you get your luggage out the window and then we will put it in my car and I will drive you back to my flat so you can stay there for the night. Since I also have to be at the airport in the morning I will drive you there also, so you can catch your plane." He finished looking pretty proud of his plan.

I sat there processing what he had said for a moment deciding if I should trust him or not, I mean I only just met the guy a few hours ago and he wants me to stay with him at his flat. But right now he is the only one I can trust not to kill me so I will have to go with him. "Okay but you don't have to help me you know. You have already done so much for me today and I don't want to be a burden to you."

His eyes widened at that, "Bree I want to help you and I want you to be safe and if the only way you are safe is with me then you can stay with me forever. Plus you won't be a burden to me I have 5 sisters back home that I would do this for in a heartbeat."

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