I Don't Need Love - Chapter 1

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***Hi guys the first chapter or two are going to be a little slow and boring but I promise one direction will be in the next chapter or maybe the one after it, but anyway hang in there it gets better!***


*Present* (Aubrey's POV)


"Hi! It's Mary, I can't wait for you to fly in tomorrow!" Mary squealed into the phone.

"I can't wait either Mary, I am just finishing packing up my suitcases."

Okay so that was a lie I have had my suitcases packed since the beginning of the week. I couldn't wait to get out of this place. I looked around my small run down bedroom seeing how empty it was. I mean I don't have a lot of things but what I did have was packed. The room had peeling grey paint on the walls and the once white carpet was stained with god knows what. I had a twin bed with a hard mattress in the corner and a desk that was falling apart in the other. I wondered if the social workers even look at these houses foster children are going to live in before they send them to these hell holes.

"Great! Okay so I have few questions about how I should design your room at my flat since it's just a boring white color with a boring king bed with a boring duvet, and some boring furniture.."

Interrupted her, "Hey Mary? Is my room boring?' I asked sarcastically.

"Well it is! what color do you want me to paint the room?" She huffed.

I laughed at her she could get so worked up sometimes, "Any color is fine the way you described it, it already sounds one hundred times better than the room I am in now."

Concern filled her voice, "Oh Aubrey, is it really bad there? Do they treat you okay because if they don't I will report it to the social worker. When i'm through, these people won't be able to have anymore foster kids." She said sounding powerful

"It's alright I have had worse, at least I get food here." I joked

"Aubrey!" She screeched.

"Okay fine, it is pretty bad here, the house looks like hell and Cynthia and Roger, my foster parents are never here and when they are all they do is yell at me. But don't worry I have had worse." I insisted trying to sound reassuring.

"Aubrey, not that bad? That's such a lie I am going to call and report them." She said sounding like a mother. "Oh and Aubrey do you have access to Internet and a printer?"

"Yeah, at the library down the street." I answered confused.

"Okay I will text you the plane information, I want you to go and print out your plane ticket offline now so there is no way they will give your seat away, okay?"

That's Mary for you always worrying about the little details about every little thing.

"Alright Mary whatever you say." I laughed.

"Aubrey will your foster parents let you go to the library?" She asked concerned.

"No, they only let me go to school and to the supermarket to buy them food, but they are out right now, probably at a bar getting drunk off there ass's. So I will head over there now."

"Do they make you use the money I send you every month to buy them stuff?!" She asked angrily

"No, Mary they don't. They have no clue that you have been sending me money every month, I keep that hidden so they won't find it." I said quickly trying to keep her calm.

"Good cause if they were I was going to chop off their heads." She was trying to sound serious but I could tell that she was holding back a smile even though I couldn't see her. Mary was never good with threats because she always smiled or burst out laughing when she was supposed to keep a straight face, so nobody took her seriously.

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